Hello! We are leaving Germany from Frankfurt airport and wonder how strict KLM is on carry on baggage. Our bags meet Delta carry on limits but KLM is a little less in size, and we are over their limit by an inch or so. And what do they do if you show up at the gate and they say your bag is over the limit? Thanks for any input! PS we are connecting out of AMS for PDX. We bought the tickets from Delta.Also if we check bags from FRA to PDX do we have to reclaim bags at our connecting city of AMS. And we haven't been to Europe since covid struck, so are there any testing or other requirements for entering the Netherlands or Germany?
If "KLM" is painted on the plane, it's KLM rules that apply.
What class are you in?. Biz class may be less likely to be hassled about an inch
As of today, no covid test etc. is required.
If FRA-AMS-PDX is one ticket, you won't see your checked bags until PDX
This question is asked numerous times on here so sorry to be blunt but if the airline has a rule, follow it and you won’t be disappointed if at the gate they check the weight and size of your bag which can and does happen.
Good answers. Thanks!
And just recently..... read above. Good luck!
The airlines have a right to enforce their rules, including charging you a higher fee to check your bag at the gate. I’ve found that European airlines have more restrictive size and weight limits, and tend to weigh and measure bags more frequently than US carriers. They make a ton of money from people who think they won’t follow their written baggage limits. Make sure you weigh your bags.
When you check your bags in FRA, you won’t collect them until PDX.
Check out the Mobile Passport Control app to speed up the immigration process in PDX.
I once experienced Air France agents checking the size of carry-on bags on Delta connecting passengers. If the bag didn't fit in the Air France sizer, they charged an additional fee (and may have checked the bag instead of allowing it on board -- don't remember). They let me slide because I was Platinum Medallion with Delta. I imagine they would let business class slide, too.
It is often the weight of carryons rather than size that European airlines are strict about.
You need to adhere to both size and weight to avoid a “checked” fee.
Ask me how I know this……. 😏
It is often the weight of carryons rather than size that European airlines are strict about.
Very true! A few years ago Lufthansa had a lady in their boarding area in Atlanta who must have had a very weight sensitive arm. She would actually lift up bags to check the weight, and more than a few had to be checked.
how do you know this?