Attention! From 25th March to 21st April on the section Berlin Hbf. - Frankfurt (Oder) there are difficulties in rail traffic. The journey takes place with a change to a substitute bus with a valid train ticket.
We were originally going from Berlin to Gdansk but this train issue seems that it could add up to a few hours so now thinking we should change and go to Toron first, then Gdansk and Warsaw to break up the journey? I know it is back tracking but it seems it might be less stressful if there are more delays.
Originally 4 days Berlin, 4 days Gdansk, 2 days Toron, 3 days Warsaw, 3 days Wroclaw and then Prague
Now maybe
4 days Berlin, 2 days Toron, 4 days Gdansk, 3 days Warsaw. 3 days Wroclaw then Prague
Any thoughts?