Anyone been? I'm planning on going to Germany for 1.5 weeks in September and the way my itinerary is currently constructed I'll be in Stuttgart on a weekend. Just wondering if it's just as difficult to get into the tents, etc. as it is for Oktoberfest on a weekend.
Yes, we went to both Oktoberfest and the Volksfest in 2017. We found it much easier to get in a tent in the evening, even though that year the Volksfest had more people there on their opening weekend than Oktoberfest did (we went later, and during the week).
The fest itself, many consider nicer, a bit more local, fewer partiers doing a once in a lifetime drunkfest trip, I would definitely recommend. Same as Munich, going during the week offers more options, arrive early to see what the table situation is. I honestly do not recall if they use the same table reservation method there, I assume so, we had 5 in our party, just walked into the first tent and asked what was available...they showed us a table. We had a lot of fun...maybe too much.
Thanks for the reply! Yes, I'll also be hitting Oktoberfest (first time for both) but of course, there's so much more info out there for the latter about pitfalls to avoid, etc. The theme for this trip is definitely German fall festivals (as I'll also be in Nuremberg for their Altstadt festival). Given your description I might just stick with my current plans then. I know it will be busy of course, but if it isn't so difficult to get into the tents even on a weekend, that's good news.