We will be based in Bacharach during the last week of October. We have German Rail Twin Passes. My husband especially loves canoeing, birds and nature. Is there a place where we can spend a morning canoeing (maybe even with a guide) and then have a lunch and then tour (a town, a winery or gardens, or nature park) around on foot before dinner and then a train back to Bacharach?
There are indeed rafting tours on the Mittelrhein, for example these guys
but it's only for people who are experienced canoeists. Rhein is a major waterway, there are chemical tankers, coal- and other freighters on their way to the industry regions at Mainz, Frankfurt and Basel (and back). Plus, the area around Bacharach is narrow. The adjacent rivers Mosel or Lahn are better suited to weekend-canoeists and as much as picturesque as the Rhein.