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Buses from Oberau to Oberammergau and Linderhof Schloss (Day Trip from Munich)

We would like to visit Linderhof Schloss and Oberammergau as a day trip from Munich using public transportation. I am able to find train information and pricing to get to Oberau on the Bahn website, however I am unable to find bus information for the two buses 9606 and 9622. I would like to know whether the bus tickets are considered part of the Regio-Ticket train ticket or whether there is an additional fee for the bus. Also, do we need to purchase the bus tickets in advance to ensure a seat on the bus. If so, where do i make this reservation and/or purchase the bus tickets.

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I think "normally" the best way to get from Munich to Oberammergau is to take the train to Murnau and change there to a another train on a spur line to Oberammergau. That was the way I planned to do it in 2007, but at Murnau we were routed to the parking lot and a bus (SEV) to Oberammergau because they were working on the rails somewhere between Murnau and Oberammergau and the train was not running. Apparently, at this time, they are again using bus substitution transport for the trip from Murnau to Oberammergau.

But the Bahn website shows the trip from Munich to Murnau and then the SEV to Oberammergau as the fastest way to do that trip. Why do you want to go via Oberau?

Even if you put in Oberau as a stopover, the Bahn says to go from Munich to Oberau, then back to Murnau to take the SEV to Oberammergau, even though there are 9606 buses from Oberau to Oberammergau. I suspect that the 9606 bus is not very well timed to meet the train in Oberau.