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Bus from train station to Burg Eltz

Working on plans for next May, which include a trip to Burg Eltz. Due to health, I am unable to walk to the castle, like I first planned.
I know of the Burgenbus 330, but I plan on a friday trip, which I don't think the bus runs, (weekends only and holidays.)
My trip starts in Cochem, What options do I have, other than a taxi, which I won't have International calling to make a call.
I like to know every detail when I take a vacation.

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4102 posts

Perhaps you can contact the place where you will stay in Cochem and they can help you arrange a taxi/driver ahead of time?

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7335 posts

Not sure how these things work in your country, but between now and May, don't you have a way to become able to make calls internationally? It would make me feel safer...

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19314 posts

My trip starts in Cochem

Where do you go from there. If you are going up to the Rhein, I would recommend the Marksburg rather than Burg Eltz. Marksburg and Burg Eltz and the only two castles in the area never destroyed. The Marksburg has been preserved as it was centuries ago by the German Castle Association; Burg Eltz has been continuously lived in.

The Reichsburg is not an authentic castle; the original castle on the site was destroyed and rebuilt in the late 19th century as a chateau for a Berlin businessman.

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32405 posts


I can certainly relate to your situation as I was also not able to make the hike to the Castle due to health concerns, so ended up using a Taxi. That was a rather expensive day, but I tend to be somewhat "goal oriented" and was willing to pay whatever was required (within reason) to achieve my goal of visiting the castle. I was fortunate that my travel budget allowed me to do that.

In the same situation, I'd probably travel by train from Cochem to Moselkern (it's only about a 16 minute trip), which will get you reasonably close to Burg Eltz. I assume you saw this part of the Eltz website - .

The capability of making calls in Germany might not be of any use, unless you can speak German. In my experience, not all the taxi drivers in that area are able to speak English. Therefore it would probably be better to get the staff at your hotel in Cochem to make the arrangements for the taxi. Since you won't be able to summon the taxi when you want to make the return trip, you could make arrangements for pickup after (for example), three or four hours.

When you arrive at the car park above the castle, you'll have to take the small Shuttle down the hill (which is quite steep). The cost is only a few Euro and well worth it IMO.