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Bolt ride service?

One of the videos we were watching by a vlogger mentioned that they use Bolt instead of Uber.

Wondering if anyone can share their experiences?


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33450 posts

I don't use either of those. There are real taxis too.

Germany is a large and diverse country - where exactly are you considering?

Posted by
49 posts

Nigel, we have to get from airport to hotel in Frankfurt then high tail it down to Mainz for a match. I know trains are very efficient; however, it's the time constraint is why we are considering using Bolt/Uber.

Posted by
486 posts

Not in Germany, but we did use Bolt in London without any issues. It worked very similar to Uber.

Posted by
6848 posts

You don't mention where your hotel is and where you're going, but do not assume that going by car will be faster.

Posted by
2844 posts

Neither Uber nor Bolt are trustworthy. Both offer rides from illegal operating firms (example Berlin).

Recommendation: Hands off. Use taxis.

Posted by
3958 posts

I've used the FreeNow app in Germany quite a bit. It connects riders to taxis, not independent drivers like in the US. I used the FreeNow app at Frankfurt airport in May for a ride to a nearby town. My travel companion and I tried to get to the pick up spot showing on the app map before ordering our ride; we were unable to find the location despite using GPS (and there were no signs). The blue dot kept jumping to another place as we approached it on the map. Finally, we asked an airport employee where to go. The answer was to just go outside anywhere, order the ride, and it will come to you. That worked.