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Berlin in December

My husband and I are making our first trip to Berlin, Germany in December for 4 days. We definitely want to visit the Christmas market. Any suggestions what else to see and where to stay. We are looking for reasonable hotel rate, quaint hotel. We were hoping around 80 Euros a night. Thanks

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560 posts

Go to the German History museum. My wife and I are not really big on museums, but this one did a real nice job of explaining in easy to understand terms, how the Holocaust happened and how the country got into and out of that mess. For my wife and I, the "light bulb went off" and it all made sense. Plus it is indoors and perfect for December!!

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2297 posts

Don't miss the Reichstag. Whether you just want to go up to the glass dome or take one of the FREE guided tours, pre-registration is mandatory! I very much recommend the guided tour as you get a glimpse inside, understand the concept for the restoration to create a monument of "living history", see some creative art, Russian graffiti and much more.