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Berlin Hotel - One Night

Just wondering if anyone can recommend a place to stay between Tegel Airport and the City Center that is near an S-Bahn stop in the 85-125 USD price range?

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2885 posts

Good to know:

  • Prices depend on date of travel and availablity.
  • Berlin does not have one center. See map.

You can take any hotel near Hauptbahnhof (main station, walking distance to Reichstag and eastern center) which is connected by bus TXL, so no change of transport from airport to hotel.

Alternatively choose a hotel at Zoologischer Garten / Breitscheidplatz (western center) which is connected by bus X9.

Choose AB ticket and do not forget to time stamp / validate ticket.

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3 posts

Ok. Thank You. I will look in both areas. Does Bus X9 go from Zoologischer Bahnhof to the airport, or do I have pick-up the TXL Bus at the HBF to get back out to Tegel?

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2885 posts

Click on provided link for bus X9 to see the route directly from Zoo to TXL.

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3985 posts

For anywhere in Germany, is very helpful for searching train/bus connections. It shows that one can get from the Zoologischer Garten station to Tegel on the X9 bus with 0 transfers (and 5 intermediate stops).

If you are just looking for one night, perhaps Motel One. It's a German chain that offers spotless, small rooms with a small dash of design flare. They generally have great common areas on the first floor. There are 2 within short walking distance of the Zoologischer Garten train/bus complex and prices are generally 99 euro per night or less. Sign up for the free "Be One" program and get a free bottle of water at check-in. I prefer family-owned places for long stays, but often choose Motel One for a night or two. I've stayed at Motel One in London, Berlin, Stuttgart, Bremen, and Vienna. Very positive experiences at all of them.

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3 posts

Well thanks for the tip. It sounds like a real good possibility. I'll look in to it.
