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Bayern train ticket stamped?

When we leave Munich to go the Salzburg we will probably purchase a Bayern ticket. Does this need to be validated/stamped prior to boarding?
How about when we board a train from Salzburg to Vienna?

If so, is it obvious how to do this at the train station?
Thank you

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2457 posts

BT: no, but it must have the names of all travellers on it.
Salzburg - Vienna is long distance traffic either by OeBB or Westbahn. No validation necessary.

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20977 posts

No stamping of Bayern tickets, as the ticket will only be valid on the date printed on the ticket. Write the names of everyone traveling on the back of the ticket in ink. If and when the conductor comes by to check tickets, just show him/her the ticket and point out everyone traveling on it.

Salzburg to Vienna, just show the ticket to the conductor when he/she comes by and again point out who is traveling on it.

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19238 posts

In Germany any ticket that has to be stamped will be narrow enough to fit in the cancelling machine and have the words "Hier entwerten", with "triangular arrows" printed on the end that goes into the machine. Tickets printed with a validity date are only valid for that date and don't have to be stamped.

The idea of stamping tickets is that dateless open tickets can purchased and kept until you need to use them, but then they can be used only once. That's is why they are stamped, cancelled, actually.

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19238 posts

How about when we board a train from Salzburg to Vienna?

You are aware, I hope, that the Bayern-Ticket is not valid for Salzburg to Vienna.