Can this be used for slower train travel
between Nuremberg to Frankfurt?
How about
Cant seem to find this online
Can this be used for slower train travel
between Nuremberg to Frankfurt?
How about
Cant seem to find this online
Frankfurt and Dresden-Leipzig are outside Bavaria.
Unlimited number of trips within Bavaria in one day
Travel with up to 5 persons for only EUR 8 per additional passenger
Valid from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 am the next day
On weekends and on public holidays the ticket is valid from midnight
Children up to 5 years always travel free of charge
But there are offers like the regional tickets for Germany.
Travel throughout Germany for as little as EUR 42 with the day ticket.
Swimming in the Baltic Sea, a stroll through Munich or a hiking tour in the Black Forest: Discover all of Germany for a whole day on local and regional services with just one ticket.
Book 1 ticket and take up to 4 people with you
Every additional passenger only pays EUR 7
From Monday to Friday from 9 am until 3 am on the following day
On weekends and on public holidays the ticket is valid from midnight
Children aged 14 and under often travel for free with their parents/grandparents
The Man in Seat 61 website has lots of additional hints and information.
quer-durchs-land-ticket is like the Bayern ticket but covers all of Germany
Land is a German state; Länder is the plural, states. Länder-Tickets are all day passes for states in Germany.
There are Länder-Tickets for travel in every German Land (or combination of Länder). They are for unlimited travel on regional trains in that Land for a day.
Bayern is the German word for Bavaria; the Bayern-Ticket is valid for travel on regional trains only in Bavaria. There is also a ticket, QDL-Ticket (Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket, or "entirely through the land"-Ticket) for all regional trains across Germany for a day.
Kahl-am-Main is only about 15 miles from Frankfurt Hbf (as the crow flies), but it is in Bavaria, so a regional ticket from the Frankfurt metro (RMV) will get you to Kahl. From there a Bayern-Ticket will cover you on regional trains to anywhere in Bavaria.
Kahl is NOT a suburb of Frankfurt! It isn't even close to Frankfurt. It is more a suburb of Aschaffenburg.
OK, Kahl is not inside the RMV, i.e., you cannot get to it on the Frankfurt S-Bahn, but it only take about ½ hour (28 - 33 min) by direct train from the Frankfurt Hbf to Kahl. And it's still an RMV fare (not a Bahn fare), 8,80€.
It's about 15 miles as the crow flies from Frankfurt Hbf to Kahl. I call that pretty close if you are going to Munich or Nürnberg.
You can purchase the Bayern-Ticket at the Frankfurt Hbf along with the RMV ticket to Kahl and use the Bayern-Ticket once you get to Kahl.
This argument is silly. Kahl is 28km walking (not 15 miles), 37 driving. Mainz is closer but also is not a suburb of Frankfurt. Neither is Wiesbaden or Hanau or Darmstadt. All on the RMV line. This does not make them a suburb.
I like this Deutsche Bahn template for checking rates and routes on DB:
Put in the to & from and check Local Trains if you want the cheaper (slower) options. I put in Dresden to Nürnberg with an intermediate stop in Leipzig. It is about 7 hours, not accounting for much stop in Leipzig. You can use Nuremberg as well.
Land is a German state; Länder is the plural, states
That is true, but it's not the whole truth. :-) The word "Land" is ambiguous and can also mean the whole country - which, apparently, is what is meant in the case of the "Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket".
Kahl is 28km walking (not 15 miles)
You do understand the relationship between km and miles (I hope)? 28km IS 17.4 miles, that's only 2.4 miles more than what I said, 15 miles, and I did say "as the crow flies". I don't think a crow would walk 17 miles, around obstacles, when it could fly direct, 15 miles.
But the point of my comment, since the OP asked about being able to use a Bayern-Ticket to go from Frankfurt to Nürnberg, was that, although he can't use a Bayern-Ticket for the entire trip, Frankfurt to Nürnberg, he doesn't need to buy a more expensive QdL-Ticket all the way to Nürnberg. He only needs a ticket for a short distance, Frankfurt Hbf to Kahl am Main, and then he can use the Bayern-Ticket the rest of the way.
However, if he knows he can commit to a specific train, he should also see if he can snatch a Sparpreis ticket for a faster (2 hr) ICE from Frankfurt to Nürnberg. With advance purchase one of these could be as low as 17,90€, less than either the QdL- or Bayern-Ticket.
It still is not a suburb, which is my argument.