So, experienced travelers, been to Munich, Garmish, and area before, but are in the midst of planning a "Brocation" for September of 2016. 4 brothers, and 3 Nephews, 2.5 weeks, looking at a beer loving trip. Yes, Munich for Octoberfest, side trips to Andechs, Ayinger, Erdinger, plus others. Maybe hit Bamberg and Nuremberg, Stuttgart for CanstatterVolksfest, then Regensburg, then off to Pilsen and Prague to fly home.
All fairly jam packed, Yes,, I know...Octoberfest...(It's a guy thing) but really only wandering, beer, food, and the occasional cultural highlight.
Certainly, any suggestions will be entertained as to specific beers, breweries, or towns to hit. Only requirement is Train, bus, or walking accessible.
I do have an initial question though. We really are not looking to stay in Munich opening weekend of Octoberfest. We do plan on trying to make the opening parades, and planning on trying to score unreserved seats after lunch on the Monday after opening weekend in the tents, but looking to stay an easy train ride (hour or less) outside of Munich. Does anyone have a suggestion? Tegernsee came up as an option, Aying maybe?