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Bamberg Hostels

Traveling SOLO --- 1 person. Seek hostel dorm room or cheapest single room.
Anyone know of any hostels operating in Bamberg dec 23'?
I will also return Apr, July, Sept in 2024.

Seems Bamberg hostel has closed now called Tres Schick no dorm rooms.
There was youth hostel in Bamberg the name and not sure if a age requirement for dorm.


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21 posts

Thanks----already addressed Bamberg hostel(CLOSED)
Already dressed Sleepy Owl --only has 2 beds in dorm--always booked and only booked by airbnb.
Yes---already checked hostel world nothing

Already checked Ibis budget hotel which has driven up rates in summer.

When I check the youth hostel outside of town--it does not show dorms and dates I picked it says no rooms.
So unsure of prices.

Bamberg sued to a cheap option "Bamberg Hiostel" but sold!
New owner Tres Schack removed all dorm options now just another mid priced hotel not cheap.

Then I check Hotel Andras....but requires 3 people to a room same booing which I cant supply only 1 person.

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6397 posts

Try this link - it will lead you to Google maps and show you many hotels in the vicinity. You can see where they are and the prices, keeping in mind that the price can vary depending on the time of year. But it will give you a start.,10.8862183,16z/data=!4m7!2m6!3m5!2sBamberg,+Germany!3s0x47a2230538d4beb5:0x41db728f061d980!4m2!1d10.9027636!2d49.8988135?entry=ttu

Another option would be to look at the Bamberg tourism website. They list multiple types of accommodations for various Ferienwohnungen, camping and caravans, and other types of lodging: