Fellow travelers,
We've put together a schedule for a train ride from Füssen to Interlaken. No worries there, but the route does have some rather interesting comments (warning icon) on one of the stops:
dep 8:00 - platform 4 - RE 3178
arr 8:22 - platform 3
RE 3178: Biessenhofen - Kempten (Allgäu)Hbf: Construction Work: The train is cancelled between Kaufering and Buchloe. The train also stops in Buchenau (Oberbay).
RE 3178: Biessenhofen - Kempten (Allgäu)Hbf: Construction Work: Train is running 15 minutes early.
The towns where the cancellation takes place are not listed in the overall itinerary. I am assuming that this is being noted "for my information" and does not affect my route. Is this a safe assumption? If it is stated that the train is running 15 minutes early, do I assume that the times shown on the itinerary already reflect this? In other words, if the warnings would invalidate the route, they wouldn't show the itinerary in the first place, yes?
My instinct is to trust German efficiency and buy the ticket. I'm just being paranoid.