Hello, we are landing in Frankfurt and then driving down to say in either Bad Wildbad or Calw for the evening, then getting up and driving south to Triberg. There's a couple different routes and I was hoping someone knew which is more scenic or has interesting stops on the way.
Option 1) Stay the night in Calw, drive to Bad Wildbad, then down 294 to Triberg
Option 2) Stay the night in Bad Wildbad, drive to Calw, then down 81 to Triberg
Opinion: which town would be better to stay the night in?
Opinion: which driving route, 294 or 81?
I would vote for spending the night in Cawl, which is a beautiful town (I have not been there, but met several people that had and raved about it).
And I think that 294 would definitely have more scenic stops. You've got Schiltach, Freudenstadt, Hornberg Gutach and others along the way. Hausach is nearby and you could stop at the Vogtsbauernhof open air museum, which is worth a visit. If it were me, I would pick this route to drive.
I don't know about the drive. I never drive in Germany; the public transportation is too good. However,I would prefer Bad Wildbad to Calw for the night's stay. First, Bad Wildbad, being a spa town, it has a lot more places to stay. We stayed here, and liked it. Second, if you're not shy, check out the Palais Therme; it's beautiful. (And, yes, it is "textilefrei¹").
I spent two nights in Bad Wildbad in 2013, and visited Calw as a day trip in 2008. Calw, the hometown of Herrmann Hesse, Steppenwolf author, is a very cute, full of Fachwerk buildings, but I didn't find a lot else to do there.
1. Textilefrei, meaning, clothing not optional
Haven’t been to either, but Bad Wildad is slightly closer to Frankfurt’s airport. The drive from either to Triberg is going to pretty similar and you’ll probably drive the same road from Freudenstadt to Triberg. Since you will have come off of a long flight and a 2 hour drive, I doubt you’ll be doing hours of walking through whichever town you decide to stay in. Just remember to stay at or below the limit when driving. I got a speeding ticket some place in that area back in 2012 and I thought I was driving very carefully.