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B&B Outside Nurnberg

I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations for a quaint place to stay near (but outside) Nurnberg. We'll be traveling by car and like smaller B&B-like places with character but a medium sized hotel could work, too. Budget would be $100 or less for a double room.


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12040 posts

I don't know of any specific lodgings, but I can recommend the towns of Stein or Lauf. Or, if you want to go a little further north to Franconian Switzerland, Pottenstein or Gößweinstein.

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328 posts

Thank you for the suggestions. These towns look wonderful and give me lots of options to consider.

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4176 posts

I too was working for the US Army in the Nurnberg area in the 80's. I lived in the city but commuted to Erlangen, where my primary work location was. I frequently rode the train between there and the Nurnberg HBF. It takes 30 minutes or less.

You might do a little Googling about the town to see if it would be suitable. Many military and DA civilians lived there back then. You can take a look at these listings from Trip Adviser: You can also do a Google search for gasthof Erlangen and get results like this: .