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Another trip has come to an end.

Im at the BA lounge here at Heathrow and reflecting on my trip.

Pros-Made slightly more expensive hotel room choices and loved it. The Adina in Berlin was wonderful to have a kitchenette and make my own meals. I got a wonderfully balcony room with a view of the TV Tower. Munich Motel One Special Roma’s have enough space for two and the Weisse Taube Premium room is huge. I loved here all the bells from my rooms.

Transportation. While I was delayed by all my trains, the did run and I got to my destinations. Coming from America the subways were clean and fast and worked!

I actually lost weight walking so much!

Finally, the food, bread, beer and fruit tasted better.

Cons: those double duvets. I slept in double beds and always hated I could never used all of the bedcovers.

Munich train station. Trying to find your transportation is like walking a city block. Arrows that point on way and then ? And speaking of Munich. The airport workers are the silierst bunch since Heatthrow

Flying connecting flights. Haven’t flown since the pandemic and everything seems worse.FAs, security, etc. Gez me the Star Trek Transporter..

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11504 posts

Thanks, Heather for posting this helpful and timely report.

Posted by
483 posts

Munich train station. Trying to find your transportation is like walking a city block. Arrows that point on way and then

Can you say more about this? Four of us are taking the train from Munich to Vienna in September and I'd rather not get lost in a maze trying to find our train.


-- Mike Beebe

Posted by
105 posts

@Mike, @heather

RE: München Hauptbahnhof.

For construction of Munich's 2. Stammstrecke (2nd core/trunk line), there is massive works occurring within the inner city that includes a rebuild of the city's central station. The overall project began in 2017, and will take a minimum of 10 years to complete. The project had been highly anticipated, because of existing rail bottlenecks from west to east at the central station and Marienplatz, and of plans to account for higher capacity as the city's population grows.

Posted by
558 posts

Oh Heather, I'm sorry about the Munich chaos.

But there is someone here in the forum who can confirm that I, as a Munich resident, said that this shopping arcade in the Central Station's underground is a labyrinth. But :-) You don't have to be familiar with it because the only thing I always do is follow the sign showing the way to the long-distance trains. Once I have landed in the hall where the trains depart it is more than easy.

I would recommend just asking someone 'how to get to the trains'.

Posted by
14800 posts

Good to know about the present circumstances regarding Munich Hbf. as I will be using that station often taking both day and night train connections this summer.

Posted by
558 posts


Yap as mentioned before the area around Hauptbahnhof is one big construction area. This is why I did recommend not to book a Hotel there :-)

Posted by
2515 posts

Oh we love those double duvets! So much so that we adopted that here at home a couple years ago. We wonder why we didn't do it sooner as we always loved those while traveling.

Yes, connecting flights are never fun. That is what very quickly tells me we are at the end of vacation;)