One of our local Brauerei is closing after 137 years. "After two years of the Corona pandemic, restaurant closures and bans on events and festivals, as well as with the current inflation and increase in energy costs, the Schlossbrauerei was no longer economically viable." This is sorry to see. A local Kommunbrauer Zoiglstube is also for sale. Similar circumstances, but they just can't get enough help/workers to keep it going. Talked with an elderly man in his 80s today, so many Brauerei and Gasthaus closed. He also noted that people today are not satisfied with what they have and always want more. I can't help but see some parallels between 1960s USA and Germany today. Big box replacing family businesses. Don't wait on your travels...
Sadly, it is happening everywhere. Here in the US most of my town's quaint Main Street is now big stores rather than the small business stores from 20 years ago.
To counteract the fact that people don't want to work, I think the pandemic has also taught people that they don't have to work for a horrible boss or workplace. Companies that try to have a work climate from 2000 will go bust soon enough. The young people are very picky where they work and don't put up with some things that my generation thought were normal. I think the whole idea of work will have to go through a fundamental change soon just as it did in the early 20 century.
Don't fall into the myth of "people don't want to work" they are off working at jobs that pay better, and yes, probably are not as physically demanding or demanding of their time. The same people that moan that no one wants to work, also complain about the hoards of immigrants coming in taking all the jobs. (Both here and in Germany) Seems one would take care of the other if true.
German brewers shutting down has been a long process, going on for decades, basically breweries that serve a small area, just do not have the scale and volume to sustain a profit. It was different back 50 to 100 years ago when beer was a local thing, now with larger breweries and distribution, breweries are a state or countrywide business. It also does not help that due to effects of the "purity law", the selection of beers at one small brewery, is usually not much different in style and taste than the brewery down the road. Craft beer here in the US, and beermaking in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Czechia have seen a growth of small brewers, thriving in variety. Add to that, beer consumption in Germany has been steadily declining since 1980, reduced by over a third in that time.
While it is sad to see any business close, it is just the march of time, that whole free market, capitalism thing.
The job situation here is a little different. Many of these small places are in small towns predominantly family run with help from friends. The younger folks are moving out and about from the region and are not available to work on weekends or several days a week in a family business. Some help from local folks that want to earn some small amount of money. Other businesses, particularly the hotel and restaurant business no longer have the pool of folks from eastern Countries. With/after Covid they are just staying home. There is a labor shortage that can't be filled. There are people that can work from home here, but with Covid somewhat under control. Many are back in the office. Many well-educated Germans have left the Country for opportunities elseware. Unfortunately, combined with the current economic situation many places are just going out of business. Does not help that larger factory bakeries, butchers and big box stores along with internet shopping etc. are making small businesses "no longer economically viable." There are craft breweries here, but they must conform to the Reinheitsgebot. Most sell beer at small specialty shops or to-go from the brewery. Some have small Stuben that are only open a few times a month.
Small Christmas miracle... Just days before Christmas it was announced that a buyer has been found for the Schlossbrauerei and it will not be closing. All the workers keep their jobs and all commitments to business and Fests etc. will be kept.
That is truly wonderful news, mchpp! It's been a while since I've ben to Germany, but tasting locally made beer from the region was always a highlight!