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Anniversary of Erfurt Latrine Disaster

On July 26th in 1184 around sixty attendees at a political conference in Erfurt died when the floor collapsed and they fell into the cesspit in the basement. They drowned in excrement.

The Erfurt Latrine Disaster or Erfurter Latrinensturz happened when the soon-to-be Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI, as King of Germany, convened all the nobles he could to mediate a feud between an Archbishop and a Landgrave. Too many people were in the room for the floor to handle, and it gave out. Many Counts and Burgmeisters died; Henry VI survived because he was seated on a stone part of the structure instead of the wooden floor.

Does this come up when you're looking around the sights in Erfurt?

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In Erfurt, historically, I would be inquiring at the Tourist Office about finding the historical place where Goethe met with Napoleon. Erfurt was their second meeting.