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accommodations for oktoberfest

my brother and i are really wanting to check out oktoberfest 2016, but as expected the accommodations are either extremely expensive or booked up already! ive planned our trip to be in munich from september 28th until october 3rd (the end date of oktoberfest). ive done some checking into the usual types of accommodations (hotels, hostels and B&B) and its been tough finding anything. im aware that the odds are pretty bad that i will find anything moderately inexpensive but i was wondering if anyone had any tips on places to stay or just oktoberfest tips in general it would be very much appreciated. we are not picky on accommodations, just looking for something that would be easy enough to find at the end of a day of drinking haha.

thanks everyone

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40 posts

We just made reservations at Hotel Uhland for three weekdays during Oktoberfest. They are all booked for weekends but check out there website. Also, there was space at Hotel Muencher Kindl. You might try there too. I don't know if they are too expensive. I stayed at Hotel Uhland. It was great and a 10 minute walk to the Oktoberfest grounds. Good luck.

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20905 posts

Looking at, I see lots of places in the $200/night/double range, which is pretty good for Munich during Oktoberfest. Pick one with easy U-bahn or S-bahn access.

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12040 posts

If you can't find anything in your price range but you really want the Oktoberfest-like atmosphere, here's a secret: Oktoberfest is the most well known, but only one of many harvest/beer festivals celebrated throughout Germany. The next largest, and almost the same exact experience minus the Lederhösen, Dirndls and overwhelming crowds is probably Stuttgart's Cannstatter Volksfest. Bad Dürkheim, a small spa town near Mannheim, throws their massive Würstmarkt. Köln also throws a big party, but I forget what they call it.

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980 posts

It's a little late for finding lots of choices at a reasonable price as many people who go regularly book in Oktober. The best you will likely find is around 150-200€ per night.

I usually stay at a MotelOne for Oktoberfest (169-179€/night). All the best locations for Oktoberfest are booked but they currently have rooms at the Deutsches Museum location which is easy to get to and from the fairgrounds using public transport:

I'd say just reserve one of these rooms immediately today (they have a generous cancellation policy). Then you can look to see if you find something better and cancel this booking.