I’m in Berlin right now and I noticed that on the BVG app, it said you could buy the 9€ ticket now. You do have to update the app so that it will appear. So I went to the Deutsche Bahn website and they also have it for sale starting May 23, which is today now in Germany. Here is the link: https://www.bahn.de/angebot/regio/9-euro-ticket
@mardee, I tried at both 6 AM and 7 AM EDT today and both times couldn’t get through to purchase. I guess DB’s website is getting swamped.
English version of the DB 9 EUR Ticket:
@DB, probably. It was on the news here this morning and I'm sure everyone has been waiting for it. Hopefully it will settle down in a day or two.
Thank you so much! Just bought for my wife and myself.
We will use it in Hamburg and for a trip to Luneburg.