Ok- long story short, I am printing off my tickets for my upcomming trip - Frankfurt to Nuremburg on ICE 627. I swear I purchased 3 2nd class tickets with seat reservations, but I am looking at my tickets and I have 2 first class tickets for myself and my wife. We will also have our 4 year old with us - I don't specifically remember changing it, (but I obvously did- must have been the same $$ or about the same bc I normally wouldn't have paid extra for it). My question - with our daughter - do I need to have a ticket for her, I am 99% sure they are free, but didn't know if I needed a specific ticket for her when checked? There are no seat reservations - correct? so we just need to find open seats and sit down, right?
edit- I am looking at one of our other trips I booked (2nd class), and it also just noticed it lists two adults and no child - now I am certain I wouldn't have accidentally left her off the ticket twice, so is this normal? just making sure I don't mess things up!