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19 Year Old Female Traveling Alone to Berlin. Is it safe?

Hi all. Our daughter will be finishing up a 2 week workshop in Austria and will be dropped off at the Munich airport in early July. She has announced plans to go to Berlin to see a concert and then do a bit more solo traveling, perhaps to Vienna or Salzburg. She is a seasoned traveler but has always traveled with us as a family. None of us have ever been to Berlin so I have a lot of questions about neighborhoods to avoid or seek out, things to do, public transportation, the prevalence of English language speakers (she speaks some French but no German), can we trust Ubers or cabs, hotel recommendations, etc. The concert she will see is at a venue called Huxleys Neue Welt and its in the Neukölln neighborhood, supposedly quite a trendy area. We are trying to be supportive of our daughter's efforts to become independent but since we have no experience with Berlin we would prefer that she knows what she is getting into. Any advice and all recommendations are appreciated.

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7287 posts

Yes it is safe and the public transportation network in Berlin is great.

But, she should not fly from Munich to Berlin, the train will be both faster and cheaper.

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17604 posts

Our daughter spent a summer working in Berlin when she was 19, and absolutely loved it.

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575 posts

I wouldn't worry at all because Berlin is very safe. And you can also assume that she will get along just fine with English everywhere. Berlin is a city full of young international students and she will love it.

She doesn't need Uber or taxi because public transport in Berlin will take her everywhere safely. Huxleys Neue Welt is near the subway station 'Herrmannplatz'. The subway U8 runs without changing to the station 'Weinmeisterstraße' which is not far from Hackerscher Markt. So the Hotel Adina Apartment Hotel at Hakerscher Markt would be perfect I guess.

But sure there will be some other good suggestions.

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4074 posts

You’re from Long Island. She should follow the same common sense regarding personal safety in a great international city as when she does in New York. She’ll have a great time!

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9334 posts

Yes, she will be fine. In Germany, you are an adult at age 18.
Berlin is just as safe as Austria.

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8693 posts

I agree that she will be fine - I was there traveling solo and had no problems at all. I do speak some German but everyone there speaks English. And I agree with the others that Berlin's public transport is excellent - there is no need for Ubers or taxes. In fact, I would wager that she is safer in Berlin than in most, if not all cities in the US.

My daughter did the same thing when she was spending a semester abroad (she was also 19). She took off just about every weekend and traveled all over Europe. She met so many people, wound up staying with complete strangers (like the 3 young women she met in Prague who were attending the local university) and enjoyed herself immensely. I admit I was nervous about it, just like you (and I had traveled solo myself for several years) but she was absolutely fine. And your daughter will be, too. :)

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273 posts

Tell her don't leave any drinks she has at a concert or bar unattended around new acquaintances and don't put anything valuable in a bag; carry passport and emergency money or credit card in a neck wallet or money belt under the clothes.

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4074 posts

Tell her don't leave any drinks she has at a concert or bar unattended around new acquaintances.

That’s necessary advice ANYWHERE — not simply when traveling to Berlin.

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41 posts

Same as others; general awareness and precautions as in other large capitals in Europe.

For late night transportation; avoid very late/last trains and long nighttime transfers (also U1 East of Moeckernbruecke is above ground, would avoid those stops late at night&alone), on the other hand the Berlin night bus is safe (there is a whole network of them).

English will be enough/fine, except with older ex-East Berliners.
You can trust cabs. The area around where she will see the concert is one of Berlin’s big shopping areas during the daytime, with large department stores, etc.
Things to do: Potsdamer Platz is great at night and has two whole movie theaters devoted to films in OV, so many movies in English. The Berlinale is held there.
There are pickpockets on every bus line #100, just assume so. This is a great route for sightseeing “for free”. They will take a wallet out of an interior zipped coat pocket without you noticing. Be extra vigilant.
KuDamm has ALL the shopping but it’s very long and spread out.

This is true for Berlin in general, it’s huge and spread out, don’t underestimate time to get from A to B.
There are so many great restaurants in Berlin representing nearly every corner of the world; take advantage and also try the street food (food service is tightly regulated). There are little “trendy pockets” of different flavors in many places; try to get up to date info on those and restaurants.
For July, there will be “beaches” and many boat based bars etc. along the river.

There is so much to do and see, it really depends on her interests.