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My boyfriend and I will be in Munich for Oktoberfest this year and we're really excited. We're staying close to the action, about a 10 minute walk from the Oktoberfest grounds.

Has anyone been in years past and can share their experience? Any tips? I've been to Munich before but never for Oktoberfest so I'm sure it will be a totally difference experience!

Thanks in advance!

Posted by
16895 posts

If you will be there on Sunday, Sept. 21, then I highly recommend attending the Costume Parade. Be warned that the midway area (with rides) also sells shots at the Schnappshutte.

Posted by
25 posts

Hi Laura, I should've specified our dates. We'll be there the 24th and 25th of September.

Posted by
3 posts

We are also planning on going to Oktoberfest this year for the first time. We don't know yet where we are staying but are thinking of doing one of the Spyglass tours. Are you going to go on your own or with a tour?

Posted by
25 posts

Hi jaeicker, it's just my boyfriend and I going. We're not going on a tour.

Posted by
20735 posts

There is no need to do a tour, just walk on the grounds, find a tent that suits you, find a seat at a picnic table, order beer from the your waitress. Now, a lot of the tables will have reserved signs on them, but that is usually just in the evening, so you will be free to sit there until the reservation time comes due. So get there in the afternoon. You must be seated in order to get a beer. All the big Munich employers (BMW, Siemens, etc) reserve huge numbers of tables every night to entertain customers, suppliers, employees.

Posted by
12313 posts

It's nice to stay so close.

The advice above is good. My main advice is get something to eat outside the tents before you go in. There are lots of food vendor choices, just make sure you eat something substantial - you don't want to drink on an empty stomach.

I like to hit the tents about 3 pm. By then the people who arrived first thing are completely drunk and being carted out by ambulances (you will witness this first hand and know I'm not joking). The other big group arrives about dark. If you beat them in, you should be able to get a seat without too much wait.

You have to be seated to order a beer. Stay in the first tent you sit down in or you will spend your entire evening in line. I think I've spent most nights in Augistiner or Lowenbrau - but my only souvenir was a t-shirt from the Hofbrauhaus tent.

Everything closes at 10:30 (I didn't know about the one late tent), by then you may have met some people who invite you to go to a club and party till dawn.

Posted by
25 posts

Bill I don't see what's so funny? That's the persons username that I can see.

Posted by
242 posts

Well, it wouldn't be ---- on it's own, but when you add the salutation, "Hi", it becomes a form of the word Hijacker. Not spelled the same way, of course and no offense was intended.