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General Europe

Questions and answers regarding travel across multiple countries

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Title    Author Replies Last Post
Young adult hiking trip advice
Carrie 10
Young family travel to Europe - Destination Suggestions
MS MN 21
young parent clueless on what to pack
Meredith 12
young tourist please! how do you carry your passports?
Susan 18
Young Woman Alone in Europe
Caroline 20
Young Woman Traveling
Megan 20
Your 1-euro tip got her fired!
Elizabeth 13
Your advice: what if my 11-year-old and I get separated?
Marti 23
Your average Europe travel budget breakdown
Andre L. 10
Your bench?
Dorothy 15
YOUR best 1-month itinerary (not Rick's)
Natalia 14
Your best cell phone deal?
Travel Boss 6
YOUR best experiences
DaGuastafarian 16
Your best little travel hacks for newer travellers
Hank 57
Your driving rule
Susan and Monte 8
Your early travel influences
Thomas 42
You're taking your DOG to EUROPE?
aarthurperry 19
Your expectations from local people in visited countries
plikows 9
Your Experiences in Callander Scotland
Peter 1
Your experiences with medical care in Europe
Tom 30
Your experience with Highlights tours if you had seen some sights before
nancy 2
Your favorite art in situ experiences
Alyson 18
Your favorite Central/Eastern Capital City? Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia...
Mr É... 57
Your favorite European celebrations or festivals
Penny 18
Your favorite lakes in Europe
rob in cal 6
Your favorite layover airport in Europe
ChinaLake67 41
Your favorite Medieval town/city
Tammy (aka... 41
Your favorite mistake
Connie 7
Your favorites
Kirsten 18
Your favorite souvenirs - (just for fun!)
Gretchen 67
Your favorite square, plaza, piazza or park
Emma 22
Your Favorite Things in Europe and General Compliments (be country specific)
Ms. Jo 41
Your Favorite Thing You've Done with Kids in Europe
MC 7
your favorite travel products (hair dryer, umbrella, etc) for pre-trip holiday gifts
Ruth 29
Your favourite spot for a vacation away from a vacation
Rick 16
Your Hotel Expense Range, Especially in Major Cities
RJ 29
Your impressions of Malta?
David from... 10
Your input on must see destinations along our journey
eileenkirton 3
Your least favorite place to visit
BigMikeWestBy... 76
Your most Favorite cities\regions in Europe
cpsinkule 26
Your opinion on our upcoming London/Paris trip plans
dmwacu 19
Your Own Experience
brittany 10
Your Thoughts on Paris Museum Pass vs London Pass?
Willy 13
Your thoughts on the purchase price of my flight to Europe
rickobinger 7
Your thoughts on this itinerary?
lisa 22
YOUR Top 10
fghlik2015 38
Your typical - help w/ my itinerary question. Paris -> Brussels -> Bruges -> Amsterdam
ChrissyCharmCity 16
Your very last trip to Europe...
Mme Eli 24
Youth football in Spain & Italy?
tlh2007 7
Youth Hostels/15 year old
Ilsabe 7