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Would travel to Normandy or Brittany be insane in mid-August?

Hello, my husband and I will be in Europe for a family event and would love to go to these regions. Are there parts of these areas that would not be overwhelmingly crowded, or that could feel peaceful despite crowds? Or other areas in France that would be more tranquil at that time?

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2596 posts

As long as you do not plan to stay in coastal areas, you'll be fine. However, during the mass vacation migration of August, any accommodation near a beach will be booked a year in advance.

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1912 posts

I think you'll be fine. For one, there's an enormous amount of seaside and not every bit of it is mobbed with tourists. If you want to be near the ocean you'll be able to find accommodations in less popular spots I'm sure. And there's so much that's interesting off the coast, and still not too hot climate-wise.

Just go a little deeper than the fully obvious choices and you'll have a great trip :)

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7098 posts

Not insane at all. Those aren't the most crowded coastal regions of France, in general. And crowds lessen after 15th August.

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161 posts

Crowded but not impossible in Normandie. It hasn’t been great weather in late summer the last few years but don’t skip on account of crowds.