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Which restaurant?

Which would you choose for value and ethnic French food?
1) chez Gladines Saint Germain
2) le bistrotdes champagnes
3) Orphee

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6934 posts

Kathryn, I know you are leaving soon for Paris (in 5 days?). Are you looking for a restaurant for your entire group of 13 (including the baby and toddler) or are you all breaking up into small groups?

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6934 posts

And that's a great idea, but if I were you, I would choose a restaurant based on its ability to seat 13 people. You might have to contact several places directly and ask if there is any night that would work for your group. With that large of a group, you really can't afford to be too picky at this late date.

With regards to your list, those are all good restaurants (especially the Orphée) but I really would start reaching out to see if any of them can accommodate you all.

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2586 posts

With a crowd of 13 people, including children, I would reserve at a bistro such as: la Coupole, le Grand Colbert, or la Rotunde. These locations have very good food and are sufficiently large to accommodate your group.

For no. 2 on your list, I think you mean le Bistrot des Campagnes (champagne is something else). Excellent choice if they can accommodate 13.