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Where to stay in Provence

We only have 2 nights in Provence. Where would we get the best feel of the area - Avignon or Aix en Provence? Traveling by train.

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12 posts

Very tough call. We visited both cities last fall on different afternoons and made our base in the countryside, as we had a car. I would read about each and decide which has sites that interest you most. Aix has interesting street scene, markets, lively culture, so depending on how you like to spend your time that may or may not keep you interested for two days. Avignon has more of the historic sites, which would take time to visit, but felt more touristy. Think it would be easier to take day trip from Avignon if you wanted to go to say St Remy, Chateauneuf de Pape or some towns in the Luberon.

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3941 posts

I wasn't overly enamoured with Avignon - we spent a few nights, but the only thing we saw in the city was the Pope's Palace (which - for the price - I would label a pass) and wandered a bit. We booked a day tour to go see Pont du Gard, Nimes and Uzes.

We did spend part of a day visiting Aix - alas - it was a rainy/thunderstormy day, so it was a bit of a wash (pun!). What we did see of Aix I actually liked, and I imagine if we hadn't been rained on, we would have spent much more time exploring - seeing all the fountains and whatnot.

Seeing how two nights really only gives you a full day - if I had to choose, I'd pick Aix (the second time we did go to Provence, we stayed in Salon, but we had 4 nights and a car). But as the other poster said - check into what each city offers and see what meets your criteria better.

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2231 posts

Another vote for Aix. Avignon just didn't do it for me.