Hello All, In Paris right now. Would appreciate any help on where to buy SIM card for my iPhone 5. We are staying near Metro line 1 - Saint Stephen's Station on Rue de Rivoli. Arr. 4. Much thanks!
You should have researched this ahead of time...
Sorry to be harsh. Have fun and work at it!
Have you tried walking down rue de Rivoli until you find a phone store? That probably sounds harsh, but they are everywhere. If not on one street, maybe the next street over.
As you pass most small grocery stores you will see Lebara signs, any FNAC can help, any Carrefour as well as the branded phone stores.
To add to Nigel's post , Lebara SIMS are ubiquitous in Paris , you can find them at virtually any tabac . They work like a charm , pretty much pop it in the phone , follow the instructions provided and you are set . I think that phone requires a nano SIM ( best to check ) ,my Samsung uses a micro SIM . In England now , and I have one in my phone , very easy to use .
Ordered Lebara online before we left, but never received at our address in Paris. Walked into many tabac stores. They didn't have them. Will try again today. Even asked strangers (Parisians)) on Metros and trains. Will check for phone stores, etc today too.
Dee , try some of the sidewalk news kiosks , I bought one there last fall .
Success! After many tries, finally found a tabac that sold Lebara SIM card. I am sorry, but was not all as easy as some of you described it. We just kept walking into different stores and finally found one. Many thanks to all for your help and suggestions.