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When is the best weather?

We are planning a 3 week trip to France, starting in Paris, then going to Provence, and along Southern coast. This can be in spring or fall ,as we want to travel in the shoulder seasons. Good weather is important as we want to visit gardens, but mainly because we feel everything is prettier with flowers in bloom. Is this silly to want to see flowers when it is probably the rainy season? Is April better than June? Or do we hold out for dryer fall weather?

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10510 posts

You say FRANCE as if it's one weather system. While the Veteran Traveler in Normandy is foggy, 53 and wet, we're experiencing a windy, balmy, sunny 78, down from our usual daily 90, on the Occitanie coast. So, you it would help others if you said where you are thinking of visiting.

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3876 posts

What Bets said. But if you mean Paris when you wrote France, I think the best weather is in September or May.

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14544 posts

Even if you have some rain whenever you go you will likely have lovely days as well. I've gone to Paris in March, April, May, Sept and Oct. The next 2 years I am going in October but that is because of the timing of small group tours I am doing, otherwise, I'd go in April. You'd need to see when Easter is because the weeks around it can be busier with people who have kids on Spring break.

IF you have any pollen allergies, I'd still go in April but pack plenty of allergy relief medication, lol. The blooming Chestnut trees really affect me.

June would be off the table for me as some years it can be hot and I just don't tolerate the heat.

BTW, I recommend having a plastic bag - grocery, garbage, from a store - in your purse with you to use on benches that are still wet from a rain or covered in bird poo.

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12313 posts

I like fall better because the weather is a little more reliable (less rainy). Certain flowers bloom in certain seasons, do you prefer spring flowers to fall, or just hope things with be blooming? Water lilies I've had, for example, bloom best when it warms up, not usually early spring but not well after summer either. Most of the gardens you visit will have blooming flowers through a wide range of seasons.

I think you would be happy in Spring anywhere except Provence. Provence gets the Mistral winds in Spring. They blow hard and can last for days at a time.

Posted by
251 posts

Weather trends????

I travel March/April and November, a month each. Weather trend: November 2021 Paris, beautiful weather about 1-2 rainy nights and only knew that from wet sidewalks and streets. November 2023, Paris, 3-4 sunny days, all the rest were rainy/misty/drizzle which meant all ledges/benches/chairs/grass was constantly wet and made for no place to sit.

I notice weather trends but..........

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2257 posts

I took the My Way France tour in May 2023 and it rained Every. Single. Day., including wind that ruined two umbrellas. Of course, it could be completely different in another year. I prefer spring for the longer days. When I traveled in September last year, it got dark awfully early.

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27614 posts

As others have indicated, weather can vary a lot. The length of the days, on the other hand, is fixed. I much prefer May to September, for because the days are longer. By late September I begin to notice the days getting shorter, and it's very obvious by early October. Some folks love the cities all lit up at night, but I much prefer sightseeing by daylignt. The need for daylight seems to vary vary great deal from person to person.

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15768 posts

To add to acraven's (always) excellent advice, and other comments as well . . .

Paris is Paris is Paris. Just take what comes. April is glorious when it's sunny, in late fall when the trees are bare, you can actually see the beautiful buildings hidden by foliage in spring and early fall. There's magic to rainy Paris after dark when all the lights are reflected on the pavements.

If you're in cities, there's plenty to do after dark, but in charming small towns and villages, when days are short, evenings can be loonnnnnggggg.

The Riviera is warm and sunny in March and there are few tourists.

For a better idea of what weather to expect, go to for actual daily weather conditions for any month for the last 10 years. Here's Paris last year in May.

Do take into account that weather patterns are changing rapidly. Temps are getting warmer, weather events are getting more severe.