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Weather in Loire Valley in October

Hello, My husband and I are looking to visit the Loire Valley, Fall 2024. I am interested in advice from anyone with weather experiences for travel in October. Looking at historical data on weather underground, it looks like there is little to no precipitation & day temps should be mid to upper 60's, night 50's. Just curious if this sounds about right. Coming from the Pacific NW, we don't mind cooler temps and a little drizzle.

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Could be... but this year all bets are off.

A week ago our temperatures were 10°c above average, with minimums of 22°c overnight. Today the maximum temperature was 22°c and 7° below average. It's been windy when it should have been sunny, and cool when the rest of France has been in a heatwave.

Having said that, October is usually not too bad.

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