Hello, this will be our first time in visiting France. Currently we have planned on flying into Paris and spending a few days visiting the city. (6/11-15th) From there we are planning on renting a car and driving out to Bayeux. We plan to make several stops along the way and enjoy the drive through Normandy. We are in Normandy from the 15th through 18th
This is where we are not sure if we are taking on too much. We'd also like to make it over to Strasbourg to finish out our time there. We are tentatively planning on spending from 18th through 21st in Strasbourg. Much of the 18th would be spent on train travel. We'd arrive apx. 4PM and have the 19th and 20th to tour the area before taking a train back to Paris on the 21st to fly home.
Paris is right in the middle, so it makes it tough to get to each end of the northern region. Curious if anyone else has done something similar and if they felt the logistics and time spent between locations was a set back...?