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Visiting Notre Dame in October

I’ve been reading conflicting information about whether or not Notre Dame will be open for visitors and/or services In October of this year. What’s the latest word? Thanks, all.

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14482 posts

You can still see it from the outside! Plus there are interesting exhibits on the construction walls on the North side showing the fire and what they are doing to restore and preserve.

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9991 posts

I don't think there is anything conflicting. It doesn't open until early December.

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814 posts


Apparently "tours of the crypt" are being sold for summer.

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20 posts

I visited Paris two weeks ago and walked along the Seine one evening from roughly the Bastille area to Notre Dame. The walk was splendid. Notre Dame is still clad in scaffolding or closed in by plywood, and the best up-close views remain the bleachers erected in the plaza. I was taken aback slightly at what I saw, the restoration looked to still have a long road ahead. The restaurants and souvenir shops adjacent to the cathedral on the Ile de la Cite were all closed too (it was about 10 pm), which caused me to wonder if these businesses were victims of the disaster too. Despite it all, being in the vicinity of this great building was, to me, still awesome.

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649 posts

Thanks, everyone, for your input. Much appreciated.

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553 posts

As someone who has been there several times since the fire I’m Amazed at how much progress they have made. I realize it looks like it has a long way to go, but it looks so far along compared to where it was just a year ago.

And yes, souvenir shops along the side of the cathedral have really suffered. I was staying at an apartment on the island St. Louis and I had to walk that way quite often and there was never anybody in the shops. Whereas in the past those shops were packed with people.