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Visiting Honfleur

We plan to stay in Honfleur enroute from Paris to DD Beaches. Does Honfleur merit more than a 2 night stay or better to add more time to Bayeux & Mt St Michel area? Thanks

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299 posts

Depends if you have a car and want to drive to Etretat, which is outstanding! You could also do some Calvados tasting on the way to Bayeux.

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11369 posts

We spent a night in Honfleur en route from Paris to Bayeux to see the WWII beaches and memorials. We arrived late morning on the first day, and left mid day the second. We could have spent more time there but felt we saw a lot. We also visited the Caen Memorial which I recommend. .
From Bayeux, we toured US, Canadian and British beaches.. We also spent a day a day at Mont St-Michel and surrounding areas, St-Lô, Mortain where my father had also fought . We spent four nights in Bayeux. Honfleur and Bayeux are both lovely towns.

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3122 posts

I can't judge Honfleur, but it's not really on the way from Paris to the DD beaches. If you particularly want to see Honfleur, great, but if your main interest is Bayeux and points to the west, I would head straight there from Paris via Alencon. Assuming you're driving, Alencon has a major rest stop on the Autoroute where you can buy gasoline, use the restrooms, and get a snack.

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9 posts

We will definitely stop in Caen and spend several days in Bayeux before heading to Brittany and thought Honfleur looked like a pretty place to spend a night or two after Rouen. Sounds like two nights in Honfleur would be sufficient though. Thanks!

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784 posts

Honfleur is one of my favorite places and I've spent two nights there twice. With the full day have a couple of options: a.) explore the town, which is quite picturesque and has some interesting museums, including an Impressionist museum and the interactive Erik Sate museum, as well as a good market (I believe it is on Saturday) and an unusual church; or b.) with a car you can explore the countryside, which is famous for cheese and apples (calvados and cidre), a few chateaux, and some thatched roof cottages.