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Visit Paris Concierge Service

Has anyone had experience with a company called Visit Paris Concierge Service? The only reviews I can find are from their Facebook page. Mostly looking to book round trip car service from the airport to the VRBO. Thanks in advance!

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3891 posts

I have used a concierge service but not this one. I used VIP Concierge but they may have gone out of business. But, why the concierge car service when taxis are easily available and cost significantly less? is this a concierge service that will meet you at the door to the plane, help you through immigration and help you with getting your luggage which is what VIP Concierge did or is this just a car service from the airport to your accommodations? If it is the latter, I suggest just taking a taxi from the official taxi line or if you must prebook contact Shuttle Inter.

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4764 posts

or just find another livery company, not hard to rent a black car in Paris

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8447 posts

there are cities where a car service is prudent; Paris is not one of these. Just take a taxi from the official queue on arrival for 55 or 62 Euros depending on your destination and call and arrange one for the trip back to the airport. G7 is very reliable -- just used them for the manyth time a couple weeks ago and they were there right on time at our apartment in Batignolles for the trip to CDG.

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14577 posts

Another vote for getting a taxi from the official queue. I also recommend you have the full address of the VRBO property on a 3x5 card to give to the drive. I also have a notation on there of 62E (which is what the flat rate fare is to the Left Bank where I stay) or whatever is appropriate for your location.

There have been some folks lately on a Paris FB site who have apparently gotten ripped off on cab fare from the airport. It was not clear to me if they went with a rogue driver or actually got into a taxi at the cab line. BUT I think it's always best to let the cabbie know you know, blah blah.