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Village south of Paris, accessible by fast train

Dear Bloggers,
My wife and I would like to retire in or near a village south of Paris and one which is accessible by fast train (from Paris). By "south" I'm actually seeking a region that is temperate/warm and unlike that of Paris in the winter. We wish to reside not too distant from Paris so we can easily visit our son. Any suggestions would be very welcomed! Thank you.
Mr. Evans

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21892 posts

"Fast" trains do not stop at villages. How about giving us a time limit, like 1 hour
Does Chartres count as south? That is 1 hour.

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2 posts

A blogger, Sam, made a very interesting observation. Thank you. Fast trains don't stop in villages. So I'll amend my request: maximum 90 minute train ride from Paris.

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5993 posts

Warm and unlike Paris in the winter? So, basically somewhere on the French Mediterranean coast. Which is not close to Paris, and certainly not within 90 min.

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21892 posts

I think the best you can do is Avignon, and that is 2 hours and 40 minutes by nonstop TGV.

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1767 posts

To find the climate you seek, I would dare to say that you need to go to Provence or the Luberon. The TGV to Arles, for instance, is 3 1/2 hours. Within 90 minutes I don't think you will find the climate you describe.

Keep in mind that France is about the size of California, so you need to go farther away from Paris for the weather you seek.
Best of luck.

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1804 posts

What you need to do is stay in the Canary Islands and commute via air. That way you're fairly warm. Flights are almost the same as train fare, but somewhat restricted in winter. You have to get south of the French Massif Central to escape the winter weather.

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170 posts

To drift the thread slightly, although you do not give a nationality, have you considered the residence and tax implications.
Far from straightforward.

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1527 posts

Bordeaux is two hours from Paris via TGV, and it's a bit warmer. Certainly not a village.

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10901 posts

Provence and the Luberon are cold in winter. When the Mistral winds blow, it’s freezing.