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Versailles - Need help

We are planning to go in September to Versailles for the day, while in Paris for a week. We will have a museum pass, but according to the RS book and others on this forum, it can be very crowded. The security line can be very long. Has anyone bought the 1.5 hour English guided tour on line ( on the Versailles website) to take the tour and avoid the security line? Did you buy the tickets on line or did you buy the guided tour at Versailles? Which way is the best way to buy the tickets? How far in advance did you buy the tickets on line? If you bought the tickets at Versailles, where do you go and buy the tickets? If you went this year, how much were the tickets. Was it worth buying the tickets to avoid the security line? We are most anxious to have a pleasant experience and not have to wait hours on line to go through security. What time did you arrive at Versailles to buy the tickets? I have been to Versailles several years ago but with the Paris week long tour, so we went right through as we were on a RS tour. But doing it on your own is another matter and I want to try to make sure it goes smoothly. Thank you for your help.

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2147 posts

Hi Ann, we went to Versailles on Thurs, May 21. I was a little worried because it was the beginning of a holiday weekend in France. The official website said that it was a high traffic day and suggested that visitors reschedule! We had a Museum Pass and got there early - left Paris at 7, arrived at 7:45, and had breakfast at McDonalds in Versailles (there's also a Starbucks). We were in line at the Palace at 8:30. There were already about 20 people ahead of us. The gates opened at 9 (Security took 2 minutes), and we had the place to ourselves for the first hour. It was great, photos of the Hall of Mirrors with no people in them! We walked down to the Petit Trianon and Marie's Hamlet and waited about 45 min for them to open. No crowds. By the time we left a few hours later, there was a long line at the gate and people spilling from the Palace out to the gardens. Lesson learned, get there early!

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41 posts

If you don't get there early like Donna did, you will wait in a very long line to enter through security, even if you have the MP. We did the tour - we did not arrive early enough - but well worth it, for the tour and the fact that we could skip the line to enter. However, I imagine that to have the Hall of Mirrors practically to yourself is worth getting there early! It must have been spectacular Donna!

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2147 posts

It was amazing to have the Palace to ourselves. This was my fourth visit to Versailles. The last time I had to hold my camera over my head to snap a picture! It was worth getting up a bit early. We had a nice day in Versailles, and got back to Paris in time to do the D'Orsay (open late that day), have dinner, and walk over to the Eiffel Tower to see it illuminated. I love Paris!

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1266 posts

Ann - I also second Donna's recommendation. When our family went to Versailles we arrived early and waited in line. The wait was maybe 25-35 minutes. After we toured the palace we wandered on down to Marie-Antoinette's Hamlet. I really enjoyed this.We also took time to eat our lunch in the garden.

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22 posts

We went there this past July late in the afternoon and had museum passes. We got right in and no long line for security. I also heard stories of people getting there before it opens and still had to wait like 45 minutes to get in.

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191 posts

I purchased all my tickets online, printed them out, and brought them with me. You can get everything directly from the Versaille website. You have to purchase a guided tour ticket and a Versailles Passport ticket.

I enjoyed the tour: you avoid lines, you get a nice tour, and on the tour we actually got to go inside the chapel (which was a highlight for me).