I have appreciated the help and advise on this forum! I ended up buying timed tickets to Versailles for our trip (which consists of two kids, almost 11 and 8 years old) and I picked the early time of 9 am. In hindsight, I am not sure if that was the best thing to do (maybe I should have picked an afternoon time?), but at the time, I was thinking it might be good to do the palace early so that it hopefully maybe won't be as filled to the brim with people inside.
I was curious about some logistics. The thought in my head was that we'd go straight to the palace first and then explore the gardens and fountains (I initially thought we'd go on a non-fountain day, but the day we're going happens to be one of the handful of Thursdays that they are also running). When we get there with timed tickets, how does the security line work? Does everyone go through the same security line and then you go to the different entrance doors with timed tickets? How early should we try to get there with a 9 am ticket time?
After the gardens, I wondered if it would be possible to go into town for lunch or to pick up picnic supplies and then go back to explore the Trianon. Would this be a good idea or would it end up being too much walking to leave the grounds of Versailles and come back again? I think it would be nice to rent bikes after the gardens to get to the Trianon area. If we did go into town for lunch, would there be an opportunity to rent bikes in town to ride back to the grounds? Or, would it just be better and easier to plan to stay on the grounds and grab food at one of the vendors there and rent bikes there, if available?
I also had a question about the train tickets to get to and from Versailles. Could we buy those tickets the night before? Are these tickets just for any time and any day or are they time and day specific? Thanks again for the help!