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Versailles if only 3 1/2 days with teen

My 13 y/o daughter and I are visiting Paris next month. We only have 3 1/2 days. Should we fit Versailles in or skip it?

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6277 posts

It will be a little more quiet in Paris in November than other times of the year. Still there will probably be many at Versailles. If you can help it, go during the week. In terms of whether you should take the time, it depends on what you all want to see and do. I'd have your daughter rank her preferences. Have you watched the Rick Steves videos for Paris? It might give her an idea of what she might be interested in.

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3551 posts

I would skip it this trip as it will take a full day away from Paris.
Paris takes a wk to fully appreciate.

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2607 posts

It really depends on your interests. I've been to Paris 3 times--nearly a week each time, and haven't been to Versailles. Just not on my list of things I must do. If it's on yours, then yes, go.

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12313 posts

I agree that it depends on your interests. If it's the number one place you want to see, visit. Expect it to take an entire day and don't plan on having energy or time for other sights that day.

If it's a ways down your want to see list, it may not be worth taking an entire day of your limited time to visit.

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3122 posts

I've been to Versailles twice, several years apart, and both times found it somewhat frustrating because of overcrowding. I understand it is a little better now that timed tickets are issued.

Still, it was very much worth it to take a guided tour (Visite Guidee) to see rooms that aren't generally open to the public. Our guide spoke excellent English, was very knowledgeable, and was interested in the kinds of questions we tourists asked. If you book a Visite Guidee, know that the starting point is across the courtyard (to the right) from the main entrance where everyone else goes through airport-type screening (to the left).

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1172 posts

skip it for sure. The best part to us ( kids were 12 and 9) was biking around the ground which may be a little too chilly that time of year

I hate to say it but we really did not enjoy Versailles (apart from the bike ride) Its as crazy crowded, the audio guides weren't very good ( we speak French so translations as not the issue) We had done Hampton Court Palace the week before in London and enjoyed that one much more

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52 posts

My wife and I don't agree on everything, of course, but we agreed that Versailles was a tragic waste of a day of our precious 3 1/2 days in Paris.

Posted by
476 posts

If you do it with a 13 year old, see if Fat Tire is offering the bike tours and if the weather is nice. Then you get to bike the gardens, see the hamlet, have a picnic. I have done this twice in the past 15 years and it's a great time. In all, I have toured Versailles at least 5 times with various people who had never been before. To just see the palace, it's only worth it if you think it is a big priority for you or your daughter. There is plenty to do in Paris.

Posted by
4132 posts

I'm going to make an unsupportable statement: For most people, this would not be a good use of limited time.

But you may not be most people.