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Versailles - don't know arrival time

We plan on going straight to Versailles after landing in Paris. The problem being that we don't know how long it will take to get through customs and get our car, therefore I can't buy tickets for a specific time ahead of time.
Does anyone have information as to what our best plan should be? I can go ahead and buy tickets for a specific time, but what if we get there a lot earlier / later than the time slot that i had designated?
Any advice? Thanks in advance!

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8 posts

Flying in from the east coast of Canada. Arriving 8am… on a Sunday. And yes I’m wondering about immigration too, and know that there’s no way of actually predicting how long it will all take. That’s why I don’t know what to do about buying tickets. Can you buy tickets for timed entry on the actual day? Maybe I could buy them as we are leaving the airport?

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11843 posts

I honestly can’t imagine touring Versailles on arrival day in France from North America in a jet lagged, exhausted state.Choose another day while you’re in Paris to go there.

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149 posts

Are you planning on just the palace or also on the gardens or Trianon? If I remember correctly, only the Palace entrance was timed, so if you arrive early you could go to the garden first and then the palace.

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8816 posts

Get a palace time late in the day and then when you arrive earlier visit the garden and wider estate. It is IMHO not a wise choice on day one after an all night flight -- but jedem das seine.

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7352 posts

The good news is that Sunday traffic is light, so at least you won't spend too long getting to Versailles.
I see that you are planning to rent a car at the airport: is renting a car at Versailles on Monday morning an option for you? It will be more comfortable and safer to get a cab than to drive yourself after the long flight. If you do drive, take the A1 to the westbound A86 outer beltway - there is a toll tunnel but it is a much easier drive than the slightly shorter route to the Paris inner beltway (Périphérique).

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10506 posts

I honestly can’t imagine touring Versailles on arrival day in France from North America in a jet lagged, exhausted state.Choose another day while you’re in Paris to go there.

What Suki said.