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Verdun from Metz

I know the best way from Metz to Verdun is by car. But, at 75, we prefer some else do the driving!
I am getting mixed information at the fastest route to Verdun from Metz, bus and train great time differences. . Would there be a travel group in Metz that might offer a day trip to Verdun? We will also be in Nancy but Metz is closer.

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1312 posts

I assume you're talking about the battlefield vs. the town of Verdun? Or perhaps you mean the museum? The issue is that I don't know of any public transport that visits the battlefield or the museum. So you need to drive, or take a private tour. They are not that far apart, but the battlefield covers miles, and some of the best places to visit are a ways away, like the fantastic memorial put up by the State of Pennsylvania, or the one at Montfaucon, or at Vauquois. I'd do some online searching for a private guided tour.

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7024 posts

If you did decide to drive, it is an easy one. The road is rural, 2-lane, and in good repair. When we drove to Verdun from Metz last year there was little traffic. Once at Verdun, the museum, ossuary, and fort are not close together so you couldn’t easily walk between them. As KGC mentioned, either a rental car or tour would be the options for getting around.

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14760 posts

This summer at 74 I went solo from Metz where I was staying for a week to Verdun by public transport, not interested in driving. Going there I took the bus from the PEMS in Metz , (the opposite side of the train station) , the return I did by train. No great time difference, maybe 20 mins. or so.

The bus ride was to me historically very revealing going on these backroads , if you're also interested in that and seeing the town of Gravelotte. This entire area Metz to Gravelotte to Mars-la-Tour was a battlefield area, all part of the Lorraine Gap.

Re: doing this as a travel group, you might want to inquire in the Metz Tourist Office located in the centre ville . Signs point the way.

In Verdun I walked from the train station to the Tourist Office, checked that out but did not inquire about tours going out to the battlefield area. It was already late in the day. This first visit I was more focused on the seeing the monuments and reminders of the war in the town.

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14760 posts

I heartily recommend Nancy while you're in Metz. The town gives you the distinct feeling of having stepped back into the 18th century. The Hotel Excelsior is well worth checking out for its restaurant'll see. From Nancy I recommend seeing Toul and Luneville as well if you have the time if your focus is on the history.

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365 posts

Thank you for all the thoughtful responses. We do intend to spend a few days in Nancy before our barge trip that leaves from Metz.

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14760 posts

I would also suggest reading up on the battle. The books I would recommend are that by the British historian, Alstair Horne, readable, scholarly , competent. One of his works deals with both Verdun and the Somme.

His contention is that prior to Verdun Germany was in a position to win the war, after Verdun that result was no longer possible, ie Verdun cost Germany the war.