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vacation with 7yr old and 4 1/2 yr old

My daughter would like to go to Europe over Easter vacation, but doesn't know where to take such young kids. Any ideas that would not involve constant walking?
Thanks for any ideas.

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23713 posts

That is a tough age as they are easily bored with adult style sightseeing. When our sons were that ages (and little older) we did several European cruises. That solves a lot of problems with young kids. Somewhere like London would have kid museums, the big wheel and good transportation between the subway and bus and everything is in English. And the food would be a little more familiar to them. One of our big issues when traveling with the sons in the younger years was food. They were pretty picky when it didn't look like what they got at home -- and McDonalds get old quick.

Good luck ---

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372 posts

i would assume really what you want is parks, outdoor fun, kid friendly easy in/out, kid friendly food (if picky eaters) and you want culture and fun for adults easily accessible in ways that work with such little ones.

I’d go Paris or London

Easy flights. Great transportation options. Plenty to see and do easily.

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4725 posts

London-my husband did a sabbatical in London when our daughter was 4-she enjoyed the Tower of London,the statues at the British museum and the Natural History Museum. Kensington Gardens was also enjoyable.

EDITED: Depending on your child, the flight may not be as difficult as you think. Granted our daughter was accustomed to traveling(but had only been to Europe once before, at 15 mo), but she got on the plane and announced, "I'm going to color, and eat my dinner, and go to sleep". She was true to her word and woke up about 15 minutes before we landed. The size of the airplane seats is much better suited to young children than it is to adults LOL

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8373 posts

Our daughter stayed home when we traveled to Europe on vacations. My parents gladly took care of her for a week and two weekends.

She started traveling with us at 11 years of age.

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2615 posts

That age would be rough. First the flight, then the time difference, then the walking. Any city worth visiting will require way more walking than they are probably used to at home. I would do a Disney cruise from Florida. We did one over spring break when our boys were 8 and 11 and they had an absolute blast (so did we as parents!)

Easter is not the ideal time to go. Weather can be iffy. Lots of cities will be very crowded. The kids are young enough - pull them out of school in May and experience a completely different vacation with better weather and fewer crowds.

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2570 posts

London would be my choice. For ideas see the website “12+ very best things to do in London with kids”.

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15226 posts

My experience is not quite exactly as yours. We only had one child along....most likely much simpler. Our grandson went with us to Paris and the immediate environs at the age of 4 1/2 at the end of June 2005 for two weeks, his first trip over after the 11 hour non-stop flight and it was plainly hot, as expected. We walked, took taxis, took the Metro , and were driven.

I would suggest open spaces for the children in Paris, eg., the Tuileries Garden, Jardin des Plantes, area of the Hotel de Ville, etc. Getting out to the non-tourist areas in Paris is also good, ie the neighborhood parks and open spaces.

Posted by
503 posts

If Europe is the goal…maybe a cruise? There are some Med cruises at that time…And I still see good offers for spring? Unpack once. Pick you excursions. Lots of food! We are cruising in July. ( hot I know…but the only time…it will be 90’s and humid in Ohio where we live). 6 adults, 5 gradeschoolers. Ages 6-12 then. Starts Barcelona…ends Rome. These kids (cousins) are adventurers…walk well and enjoy history and art. We tested them last summer with an Alaskan cruise and hiking etc. Yellowstone and Glacier (hot) the year before. Depends on your kids. But don’t rule out taking them. We are studying up on museums and so sites. Family coooking class in Rome. They are excited. Memories and lifetime learning.