I have a Samsung phone... I have not downloaded the fancy shmancy RSteves tour app yet....
But the the thing I need to know is 1) and forgive me here, some of you are just more tech savvy than I am and i just don't on some of this stuff..... so.... I'm wondering if I'm going to need more juice (battery life) for my phone? If I have that phone out on tour all day I'm not sure how long that charge will last before it goes south on me ? is that something I should pop into a Verizon state and ask them about? that would be the pitts (have another word here actually, but playing nice)..... if my phone lost its charge during a tour of the great artists in the museums). the pictures I've seen, E V E R Y B O D Y has plugs in their ears on those tours....... Hmmm... (hand on chin with one eyebrow up).