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US citizen return from France

Am I correct in my understanding that US citizens returning to the US from France will be allowed to board the plane with NO vaccination or covid test and no other special health documentation?

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1281 posts

Yes, that is correct. That requirement was eliminated some time ago. To give some context, we traveled to Europe in August (Germany, Poland, Austria, Italy and back to US) and at no time during our trip did anybody ask for vaccination or testing status. There are likely still some specific vaccination / testing requirements (e.g. cruises?, specific museums or venues?) but we didn't encounter any. Have a great trip!

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8784 posts

And this is why so many people are returning home bringing COVID with them as they are cooped up in a tube for 8-12 hours with at least a handful of people breathing COVID germs on them.

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112 posts

Re "why so many people are returning home bringing COVID".
Is there someplace you are looking that has this data? Would be good info for international travellers...

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4099 posts

"And this is why so many people are returning home bringing COVID with them as they are cooped up in a tube for 8-12 hours with at least a handful of people breathing COVID germs on them."

Is this a fact or an opinion?

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341 posts

For our June trip, I think we had to upload our vaccine info to the United Travel Ready site. But for sure there was no testing requirement to come home!!! It was great to not have to worry about that Covid test after a wonderful 3 week trip!!!

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9436 posts

Just returned from Paris… no test, no proof of vaccines required, no other special health documentation required.

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153 posts

Since March, we have been making up for lost trips and traveled to Hawaii, Paris, London & Italy, and again to Paris in September. We didn’t get covid and nobody in our travel group got covid. No covid testing to return to USA since April trip to Paris.

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2810 posts

And this is why I wear a N95 mask on all flights

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10791 posts

@Carol, I do the same. I’m sure there are some people with Covid, they may or may not know they have it, will be flying unmasked.

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8784 posts

85 year old acquaintance of ours whom we dined with here in Paris just flew back to Montreal unmasked; he has COVID for the first time today. Can't imagine not masking on planes now. It may save on colds and flu as well. The only saving grace of the hassles of the last two years is we have not even had a cold.

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7 posts

I just returned to CA from Paris on Oct 8 (via train to London, then flight from Heathrow to JFK to CA), and there were no vaccine records required to return to U.S. or even to travel between Paris-London on the Eurostar.

Most seem not even to be wearing masks while traveling to/from/around Paris (and London) these days, and although I did mask up indoors (on the train and Metro, museums, shops and anytime indoors, except while eating dinner), I returned with Covid. My travel companion, who also masked up everywhere, also got it. We believe we got it at a bistro in Paris while seated next to a man who was intermittently coughing throughout our 2-hour dinner. Apparently, there is a surge in Europe as of now: