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Urgent Care in Nice needed

Hi all,

Does Nice have urgent care clinics like we have in the U.S.? Afraid my daughter might need late night stitches!

Thank you!

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3856 posts

Have you searched on Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc? I know you may be looking for a personal recommendation but if this is truly urgent, you will probably get an answer faster by searching than you will by asking here.

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11690 posts

Her lodging host should know where med care can be had

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8293 posts

Tell her to ask any pharmacy for this info.

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3244 posts

Here is hospital info from US Embassy Lyon Consulate:

Hôpital Edouard Herriot: 5, place d’Arsonval, 69003 LyonTel: 08 20 08 20 69

Hôpital de La Croix-Rousse: Centre Livet, Tel: 08 20 08 20 6910, gde rue de la Croix-Rousse, 69004 Lyon

Centre Hospitalier St Joseph Et St Luc: 20, quai Claude Bernard,Tel: Lyon

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968 posts

Thank you. Pharmacie Massena is open 24 hours a day and sent her to Clinique Belvedere! Crisis diverted.