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Uber and Taxi in Paris

We used a taxi by accident in Paris. Getting out of a show late, buses were done and the Metro was about to be, we were going to call an Uber. Because we were 5 we were going to call two Ubers.

But, right here in front of us, a Taxi minivan was dropping off a party. So, we hailed it on the spot and used it to get back to our apartment. It cost 50% more than two Ubers would have, but the convenience was worth it.

The taxi driver was chatty and the trip efficient, and we would use a taxi again.

Earlier in the trip we had tried an Uber. We were in Monmartre going back to the Notre Dame area. There were only a couple of Ubers visible in the app, we hailed one, and it arrived pretty quickly. The only issue was that the car associated with the Uber was not the car that showed up, and we were suspicious, but took it anyway. Everything went well, we had a nice chat during the drive, traffic stunk, and we got to where we were going without issue. We would use an Uber again.

Both taxi and Uber worked for us, though mostly we used the Metro and bus services. Uber seemed a fair bit cheaper around the city than taxis, though.

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