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U.S. Tourists in September - Possible I Wonder ??

Hi All.

This American citizen deeply wants to return to France this fall to see friends and enjoy a couple of weeks of French life in the contryside. What do you speculate? Think it will be possible or even practical? I understand these are extrordinary times and we must learn to adapt, but.....

Unless things have/are changing I believe entry by U.S. citizens isn't possible now. Does anyone have a sense of when announcements are likely as we enter June or beyond? I am so tempted to go ahead and purchase a ticket with fingers crossed.......... What do you think?

Bonne santé mes amis !

Posted by
7054 posts

How do you feel about quaranteening for 14 days before your official touring begins?

Posted by
3 posts

Yes, that too is a real possibility !

I'm also watching Germany's policies as the plan would be to arrive Munich, pick up my stranded motorcycle from last fall, then make my way to it's regular home in Tours FR over the next week or two. After that, CDG n home.

You're right Agnes........ potential quarantines, both going and coming.

Posted by
2063 posts

We'd all love to go and travel but this is not normal life. Certain parts of Germany-like Bavaria are stricter than others-canceling festivals, int the fall. Don't forget, the virus is supposed to reappear again this fall and the lockdowns may have to start up again.

I'd be more worried about traveling on a plane for 8 hrs and staff not enforcing face masks or any safety features to combat the virus. I work in a hospital environment and almost every doctor I know said they wouldn't travel on a plane for at least some months. My advice-stay home and plan for 2021, France will still be there and may be back to a new normality and hopefully no quarantine for 14 days.

Posted by
10425 posts

Who knows about September.

Right now, those of us who live here are restricted from going any further than 100 km (as the crow flies) from our residence. And we've only had the right to go that far since Monday (prior to that, our limit was 1 km).

September is just way too far out right now to be able to project anything with any certainty.

Posted by
16610 posts

I can give you the most honest answer to your question.....


Things change daily. No one can predict. Watch the news and plan accordingly. When the French government thinks it's safe to open, they'll open. Until then.....


Posted by
3146 posts

I'd say if you're OK quarantining coming and going then go for it. If the virus flares up again then of course the situation changes.

Keep in mind the French Open and Tour de France are both scheduled for September.

Posted by
10766 posts

What do I think? I don’t have a clue, and I’m a French-speaking dual US-French citizen living in the States who watches the news from France every evening.

(EDIT: incorrect info—“ I do know that at this time, even I can’t go to France with my French passport. Yesterday, I asked two persons on this Forum who live in France what they knew about allowing citizens in and received two different answers. “
I just listened to a podcast with the French Député representing North American French citizens. We are allowed in right now. Quarantine is in our own homes, with family or friends. If we have no place, the government will put us in a hotel. My SIL’s info was wrong.)

And my French family, living in another Schengen country, is trying to figure out how to go to their second home in France in July, while having to drive through other Schengen countries and avoid quarantines. It’s a mess.

No one knows what will be open, closed, required, allowed. It’s all speculation, country-by-country, with rules for different countries slowly going into place day-by-day. Bottom line, keep your plans but buy whatever ticket you need much later. That’s what we’re doing.

One other thing: a lot of the government plans appearing now have been stated long term; it’s the details that are released slowly and change, such as quarantines, beach closings, etc. One long term written plan for France has been borders closed except for EU travelers until the end of October.

Posted by
776 posts

From what I'm hearing from Paris friends and on French TV, and reading in French papers, the US is being regarded as a "hot spot" and unless the US cleans up its act regarding this virus, tourists/visitors/relatives from the US will not be particularly welcome in the fall. Something to watch carefully. At this writing, if allowed in, you would certainly be quarantined.

France is also clearly expecting a second wave in the fall.

Posted by
2742 posts

At the present time, French nationals not residing in France should be able to return this July. Anyone entering France, other than those from a Schengen country or the UK, will likely be required to observe a two-week quarantine period. The quarantine details have not yet been determined for those entering from Spain.

Le Parisien - Will I be quarantined upon my return in July?

More information should be available at the end of this month.

Posted by
7054 posts

James, I didn't say "will" anywhere....I asked if the OP is comfortable with the possibility of that restriction (if one prepares for worst case scenario, then they're at least fully mentally prepared). As of 5/18/20, there is a 14-day restriction - it doesn't seem unreasonable to float the possibility that it may continue into the future...that's the only official data point we have to draw any guesses. The OP can hedge his/her bet however he/she sees fit, no one has taken free will away from anyone to make their own travel decision.

Quarantine Information:
Travelers arriving in France from countries must self-isolate for 14 days if they have no symptoms. Anyone displaying symptoms could be subject to quarantine for up to 30 days.

Posted by
9080 posts

To the OP, Frank has the correct answer in that nobody knows. Its all speculation. The virus is in charge. Things could get better, get worse, or stay the same. People I see around here seem to be acting as if the health crisis is over because the city is relaxing the unenforced half-hearted public health protection measures. In many places the pandemic is just getting started. Lots of places in the US that are not safe. There is no treatment or vaccine. The countries and cities that are re-opening for business are making the calculation that they will accept certain rate of illness and death from the virus, versus a longer term illness and death from economic collapse. Perfectly understandable, it just sounds bad to say it out loud.

If you're willing to take the risk of getting exposed, and choose to go as soon as governments' allow it, that's your choice. With the drop in travel, you should be able to make a last minute decision to go as soon as you hear you can, so you dont have to book everything months in advance.

Posted by
3 posts

Hi Everyone.......

First, thank you each for your inputs. This is what I wanted to see, the various insights and unfolding developments we each bring to the table. Knowledge and truth is power, NOT gut reactions !

Like I wrote in the thread title, "Possible I Wonder ??" What I do know is the world has changed and one must adapt, understand the 'landscape' one's facing, and be willing to just say no if uncertainties or risks are too numerous or severe for ones liking. For me right now, with what is known and has been shared, it is actually pretty easy. I don't see that tourism travel for a U.S. citizen will be practical or maybe even possible for France this year. But, who knows, things may change........ stay loose n stay calm.

Posted by
180 posts

My Son and I are hoping to go in mid October. Fly into London October 12 and back from France October 23. I haven't booked anything as I am keeping an eye on the news. We live in Southeast USA. It's a long way out (5 months) so things could change for the better or worse. Seems things are getting a little better. Still a long way to go. Fingers crossed!

Posted by
11519 posts

Actually no James - her statement was not a declaration , it was a question .

Posted by
3490 posts

The virus is not in charge; President Macron is.

Then would somebody please ask President Macron to tell the virus to get the hell out of France?

Posted by
12315 posts

I want to go. It should be obvious to the French travel industry that most American travelers take 14 day vacations - so a 14 day quarantine eliminates virtually all American visitors (for that matter most Asian visitors).

I predict before the end of summer, the travel industry (not an insignificant industry in France) will put enough pressure on the government that those restrictions will be eased and travelers can start visiting again. People need to get back to work, the current restrictions aren't meant to be, and can't be, permanent.

Posted by
1311 posts

"The US has better COVID numbers than several EU states..."

Once again, you are cherry-picking number to make a point (incidentally, it is that sort of weird stuff coming from your leader that makes many sensible people wary of your country). Anyway, since you like facts and "facts", just for you I'll note that, despite having only middling success in testing, the US has a higher recorded infection rate than nearly anywhere in Europe (indeed, if you discount the microstates, I believe only Spain is worse). Infections (no matter how many have been missed on either side of the Atlantic), is a key number, not deaths, because dead people, by and large, don't go on holiday. What's more, making decision on opening up to non-Europeans is bound to be affected not just by historical infections but by current rates of "new cases" - and the numbers aren't coming down as fast in the US like they are in many other countries.

I'd be confident the US Americans and other colonials will be let in by Autumn, with just the "new normal" restrictions, but I'd also expect they won't be amongst the first groups in July. Indeed both Spain and Italy have already made it clear they won't be, despite in Spain's case historical & friendly ties with much of the central & southern Americas.

Finally, the tourism industry is important - vital to some countries - but the biggest source of tourism for every western European country is, by a large measure, domestic and other European visitors. Long-haul is not insignificant, of course, but a lesser priority for governments wanting to get things going again.

Posted by
2742 posts

I believe that France will open its borders for those from Schengen countries by late June or July, for those from other countries by October, assuming these non Schengen visitors originate from locations which clearly have the virus under control.

The restaurants, cafés, and most of the museums of Paris have now been closed for 9 weeks with no plans yet announced to open them. News referencing what to expect should be forthcoming within the next few days but one thing should be absolutely clear - money does not dictate government policy in reference to the virus.

Posted by
2742 posts

Of all the countries where the virus has landed, the USA has the highest survival rate..

I believe that the virus has landed in Germany and Germany has over a 95% survival rate of those who are confirmed to have the virus. The USA presently has a 94% survival rate which is good by comparison to Italy´s 86% survival rate but Italy´s number represents a more stabilized infection cycle, one which has reached a plateau. Infection rates continue to increase in the USA and over time, survival rates tend to decrease as the virus plays out and takes more lives.

Posted by
10425 posts

We have absolutely no idea of the survival rate — for the simple reason that we still don’t know how many people have contracted the virus. Therefore it is impossible to calculate the percentage who have died.

Posted by
60 posts

James , I bought my ticket at the beginning of this week. I think there will be a spike in the ticket costs. Every year I leave the third week of September and return 7-8 weeks later. Always to Paris . I have always been a fool for love , and Paris is no different. Autumn in the City is unbearably beautiful....twopffenig

Posted by
60 posts

On a side note. I have blown blues harmonica for more years then I care to think. Lately I have noticed that I turn to the Paul Butterfield version of "Walking Blues". ..... " Woke up this morning, looked around for my shoes, you know I had those mean old walking blues . Well some people tell me that the worried blues ain't bad , its the worst old feeling , I most ever had. " Man am I ever ready to split.....twopffenig

Posted by
1692 posts

Andrew.reis. Your calculations are off somewhat. 97,087 is only about 0.0003% of 331, 002, 651.

Your definition of a survival rate is also incorrect. By your logic the survival rate of people who have cancer includes those who have never had cancer. Same with Covid. The actual survival rate will not be known for some time.

Posted by
11519 posts

I would love to go when it opens up - but I’m sorry , I can’t bear the thought of being stuck on a plane with 200 plus people - one of whom is always coughing , for 9 hours .

Posted by
60 posts

To thine own self be true . I thank heavens that I have rarely done what I was told to do . That I did what I was intended to do . Think of the places , people , and the work I would have missed out on.

Posted by
60 posts

Love the part of the title of this thread that says, "I wonder." Let us not forget , "I wander."

Posted by
2169 posts

Go for it! Nobody is stopping anyone from traveling once restrictions are removed, obviously. In three weeks from now with the most likely increasing numbers of cases in the US, (because of the hoards over Memorial Day not following recommend precautions) the EU might think twice.

Posted by
3522 posts

money does not dictate government policy in reference to the virus.

If only I lived in such a country. Unfortunately, those in power where I am continue to disagree with that philosophy. They continue to feel those who will be most impacted by the pandemic are disposable cannon fodder for the gods of profit. We shall see how it all plays out, well some of us will if we survive.

And just expressing my opinions here. I'm sure there will be several who disagree.

Posted by
2169 posts

James E. How am I alone in concern? I really doubt it! Even the Ozarks had an out of control mess on its beaches let alone Daytona. Time will tell.

Posted by
10425 posts

What Gundersen said. Survival rate of an illness is calculated by looking at the number of those who have survived the virus among those who have had the virus (or the sickness or the cancer or whatever). It’s a pretty basic concept.

Posted by
2742 posts

Eric, the press is reporting it differently these days.

What press? From where exactly did you get the idea that you need not contact the virus in order to be counted as one who has survived? Why are you trying to minimalize the over 100,000 lives lost so far in the USA from this virus?

Posted by
5534 posts

This American citizen deeply wants to return to France this fall to
see friends and enjoy a couple of weeks of French life in the

This American citizen living in Austria deeply wants to return to the US to attend her grandmother’s funeral. But she can’t.

Posted by
1226 posts

Eric, the press is reporting it differently these days.

Guess this is the first time the press got something wrong :-)

Seriously, though, this is a biological definition, and until we see a consensus of biologists change it, I think I'll stick with the Mayo Clinic's definition over some journalist's.

Posted by
60 posts

On a personal note, apart from the science and leaning to the wonder, not being able to go to Paris at the end of September, would result in certain undesired actions. I would find that I would have to fling myself upon the ground , legs akimbo and arms askew , all the while kicking and flailing the ground. All from bitter disappointment . Many years ago , I had the realization that giving myself five minutes to think about something , I would find a way not to do it. At first I thought it was masked fear , then I realized to avoid disappointment I would not do things I may fail at . No longer do I allow that a place at the table. ....twopffenig

Posted by
16610 posts is illegal to prevent an American citizen entry into the U.S. They can demand you quaratine but you can't be denied entry.

Posted by
5534 posts

Frank and James - I KNOW I can enter as an AMCIT, but there are no flights. Repatriation flights are no longer happening. I can’t swim that far.

Posted by
2742 posts

I KNOW I can enter as an AMCIT, but there are no flights. Repatriation flights are no longer happening.

There are currently flights to the USA from LHR, FRA, CDG and possibly AMS. There may be a number of options for you as it is still possible to fly from Europe to the USA.

Posted by
5534 posts

I am not asking for help or information on how to get to the US. I am already well informed, trust me.

Posted by
1692 posts

"Sorry, Kim and Gunderson. You are confusing the cure rate with the survival rate." - How's that then exactly? There is no cure rate presently, as you must know, because there is no cure (unless you consider bleach and industrial disinfectants as cures).

All this spin doctoring has given me vertigo. I'm off down to the chemist to get me some chloroquine: a top doctor in Washington says that stuff cures most things.

Posted by
4986 posts

Emily, I am very sorry about your grandmother. I have a daughter teaching in Thailand that would be so upset in your situation (it could easily happen). All the choices/answers are hard. (:

Posted by
2742 posts

As this is the French forum, Hydroxychloroquin has been banned in France for use as a treatment for the coronavirus. There is no known cure.

Posted by
2742 posts

Here is a summary of yesterday’s announcement about the reopening of France, phase 2:

June 2nd:

  • Parks - which actually open this weekend on May 30th.
  • Restaurants and bars, outside Paris, the Ile de France.
  • Paris, Ile de France, restaurants and bars open their terraces only. I have not yet seen any date set for a complete reopening.
  • Travel throughout France is unrestricted.
  • Museums and monuments may open, masks are mandatory
  • Most shopping reopened May 11th. Large commercial centers remain closed awaiting government approval to open. The last of the large department stores in Paris open this Saturday.
  • Most schools reopen.
  • Gyms and public pools for areas outside Ile de France.
  • Beaches and lakes

June 15th:

  • EU and UK borders generally reopen. Italy opens June 3rd. France will reciprocate other government restrictions such as the 2-week quarantine proposed by the UK and Spain.
  • Evaluation continues with a possible announcement about when France opens its international boarders.

June 22nd:

  • Theaters
  • Night clubs
  • Stadiums
  • All Paris, Ile de France gyms and pools

Masks remain mandatory on public transportation and at many businesses. International borders are open for residents of France only.

Posted by
1692 posts

"Gundersen, your attempt at humor is not funny." - Granted, it may be poor or unsuccessful. Saying my attempt is not funny does not make any sense.

"People who have recovered from Covid-19 have developed anti bodies and are presumed to be cured." - Wrong again. They have recovered. A cure rate is based on known and tested treatments.

"Hydroxychloroquin has been of use at certain stages of Covid-19 infections." - Which stages, exactly? One of these studies was in your country:

Posted by
759 posts

Andrew continues to post garbage false information concerning Covid 19. I have written to the Moderator requesting his removal from the forum.

Please ignore and do not respond to his posts.

Posted by
2742 posts

Just because the virus has unfortunately become a political football in the USA, that does not mean that it has in France. Healthcare and life safety have consistently been the guiding force in formulating government policy. For example, Parisian restaurants have been closed since March 16th with no date yet given for a return to full operation. Patio service only begins June 2nd which will help those restaurants having terraces but the overall economic impact to restaurant and other businesses will not be known for some time.

The only definitive French boarder openings in the near future are with Italy on June 3rd, and reciprocating EU countries on June 15th. So far that includes Germany and Switzerland. The UK and Spain have both indicated that their borders open then as well but with a mandatory 2-week quarantine period. France will impose a similar restriction on arrivals from the UK and Spain if the quarantine requirement is not lifted. There will likely be other openings with bordering EU countries which have virus spread under control. Sweden might be one country with which France continues entry restrictions. No definitive announcement have been made of which I am aware

There has not even been a speculative date given by the French government for the opening of international boarders, allowing entry to travelers from countries outside the EU,

Anyone from the USA, where infection rates continue to increase, planning travel to France in July should have reservations that can be cancelled penalty free.

Posted by
776 posts

"The infection rates in the USA have been declining slowly since early April."

Comment in error as it is based on the results of only 16 million or so tests in a population of 328. million. The correct statement might be IN THOSE TESTED, the infection rate has been declining.

Posted by
5697 posts

Check back in 2-3 weeks -- lots of non-distanced encounters this weekend in many cities.

Posted by
10766 posts

This may settle the debate.
From NY Times “Is America’s pandemic waning or raging? Yes”.

—Some states are seeing vast improvements. But as the pandemic progresses, parts of the country may eventually need to reimpose restrictions, Dr. Tom Inglesby, the director of the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University, said.

“The country is divided in terms of its overall trajectory,” Dr. Inglesby said. “This virus is persistent. It hasn’t changed.”—

Posted by
10425 posts

Press reporting out of this morning’s EU Interior Ministers’ meeting (held by videoconference) states that the French pushed for a unified opening of internal European borders (I.e. to neighbors) on June 15, and external European (I.e. Schengen) borders on July 1. They are really pushing for a unified plan as they are peeved at Italy acting unilaterally to open their side of the border on June 3 — it’s been quite something to see the footage of the queues on the Italian side of the border for people waiting to get into France, since French authorities are still requiring an attestation of anyone who enters French territory plus a statement that you are Covid-symptom-free.

In addition, the French are certain to reciprocate and impose quarantines on any neighbors who impose them on travelers from France (hello UK).

The rumor today has it that if external European borders DO open on July 1, there will be a “Red List” or similar of countries still experiencing high numbers of Covid-19 cases that would be prevented from entering. The commentator discussing this specifically mentioned for example Brazil, but of course the question of where the United States ends up is key.

So — this is all just in the realm of hints and possibilities for now. We shall see what develops over the next week or so.

Posted by
2742 posts

Border restrictions could break down rapidly once one Schengen country allows anyone from anywhere to enter. It could be Iceland, maybe Belgium, but it likely will be Portugal.

Portugal has announced that they will open their borders on 1 July to all travelers, even those from countries with increasing virus numbers such as Brazil and the USA. Greece appeared to be rather liberal in opening their borders to a number of non EU countries to include even China but has no announced plans yet to open to those from either North or South America.

All this should become clear by 15 June but as of today, Portugal looks like it could become the gateway to Europe for those from the USA.

Posted by
10 posts

Any updates on this topic? I am following with interest as we have reservations from US to Paris at the end of September for 2 weeks including a week traveling through northern France and a week in Paris. All hotel reservations are currently refundable. No word yet from United concerning our plane tickets and whether or not we can fly into Paris in September as tourists. Should we cancel now or wait to to see what happens in next couple of months? Will there be a date where France will be making a decision on travel from US?

Posted by
2742 posts

June 15th has come and gone with no updates other than to say that Iceland will also be accepting all visitors beginning 1 July (in additional to Portugal).

One very possible scenario is that France does not allow those from North America to enter directly through CDG, a situation which would still allow you entry through either Iceland or Portugal.

As infection rates increase particularly along the southern portion of the USA, those from the USA may not be welcomed into France for a while yet.

United has several flights a week from EWR to CDG but boarding is limited right now to French residents, diplomats, or those on some type of official business. It's much too early to know what is going to happen in September.

Posted by
293 posts

Right now, the European Commission has suggested that Schengen borders remain closed to third-country nationals until 1. July. After that, they are hoping to have an agreed-upon list of countries that are deemed to be in a similar epidemiological and containment situation to most EU member states, and they are hoping to allow access for travellers only from those countries. Here`s a brief description of the intended plan-

Here`s the document from the European Commission from 11. June that presents this plan in more detail-

The truth, of course, is that we dont know yet what will happen so far away as September, so youll have to wait and see. It is also possible that some member states will enact their own different rules, although the EC is pushing hard to prevent that.

Posted by
2742 posts

One notable exemption to the Commission’s list of approved countries whose citizens will be allowed entry to the EU July 1st is the USA. If the USA does not make the initial list, it could be added at a later date but this will add complexities for anyone from the US traveling to the EU this summer.

Referencing the possibility of Portugal or Iceland as entry points, the Commission has stated that any EU member not fully adopting the Brussels decision could subject themselves to the reestablishment of internal EU border controls.