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Two bridges, same "cadenas d'amour"...

The Parisien newspaper said that it was taking the "cadenas d'amour" to be kept off for good.
There are plans to sell it for scrap. There are plans to keep glass or something like the Pont d'Eveque.
Don't do it, people!!!!

Posted by
7121 posts

Get rid of them. I hate the idea of the glass vs the original railings on the bridges but I hate more those awful locks (love locks my a**), they are nothing but public sanctioned vandalism. I'm not opposed to romance but those things are not romantic. They are an eyesore. Just one person's opinion.

If I misunderstood your posting, I apologize.

Posted by
11501 posts

If this is about those locks, remove them! They desicrate historic landmarks.

Posted by
2466 posts

No matter - they've all been disposed of, and auctioned off for scrap.

Posted by
569 posts

I still don't understand why the Paris authorities don't 1. post a sign stating that love locks are illegal and 2. post a couple of police officers on the bridges and start handing out tickets, payable on the spot! Win win. Stop the desecration and pick up some cash for the city.

Posted by
12313 posts

If it was Amsterdam, there would be bent up bikes attached to those locks ;-)

Anyone who puts a lock on a bridge expecting it to stay forever is sadly deluded. In every case, they eventually become too much and all are cut off. I'm glad they are selling them for scrap. If I had the time and inclination, I'd buy them all and create an e-bay site where people could purchase their lock back from me for $25 plus shipping. Would ebay accept a seller called "love-lock"?

Posted by
1025 posts

Who was it that thought that the locks were a good idea in the first place? Years ago (not that many years, either) the bridged were just bridges, beautiful and functional. If I find the first person who put a lock on a bridge railing, I shall thrash them to within an inch of his/her life.

Posted by
7121 posts

I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who is appalled and disgusted by this practice. It's nothing more than a, thinly disguised as 'romantic', excuse for humans to indulge their baser instincts to imprint themselves on someone else's property through vandalism. In the same category as those that scratch their initials or paint graffiti on national or historic monuments.