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Trying to buy Eiffel Tower Tickets On-line

Folks, need answers or secrets to the "buying Eiffel Tower tickets" on-line. I did it before in '13 & '14 with no problems, had to get up at "o-dark thirty" too buy them, however now, the web site ...... just keeps me going in circles. Can anyone shed some light? Need to book them for 10-14 April 2018 time frame.

thanks guys!

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1172 posts

The window to purchase is only about 60 days out from the day you want to visiti. This is why you are going in circles.. I had the same issue this past spring.

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33 posts

Sharon, you go to the website.... select Buying tickets" and you get the following:
"Tickets sold online are in limited quantities.
In the event that online tickets are unavailable, tickets will still be on sale directly at the Eiffel Tower’s ticket offices. All visitors must be physically present to purchase their tickets.
Thank you for coming at the visitation hour that you’ve selected
If you are later than 30 minutes, access to the tower may be denied.

no calendar, no prices, no hours of tickets times... just this window..... you close out the window, redo buying tickets... same thing? I do have the correct website right?


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18 posts

Clinton, once you select Buying Tickets and get the page you describe, look at the bottom and you see a choice for Individuals. Select it and you get the calendar and other options, but sales for 2018 are not available for purchase yet.

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1172 posts

As old-timer said, if you click just below on the "individual tickets' it will take you to page with a calendar on the left hand side. It appears right now that they are only selling tickets to the end of December.

Once the window opens for April, you will be bale to select your date and the the number of tickets you want .. they will then show you the times available for the day you selected

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33 posts

ok Folks, I broke the code, from my laptop computer, the window does not scroll down far enough to see the individual ticket options, opened the website on my IPAD.... boom! There it was! Thanks for the help!


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5288 posts


One can buy Eiffel Tower tickets online usually 92 days in advance.
You'll want to study the website and practice "buying" your tickets because tickets sell out rather quickly, sometimes within seconds.
You may also consider notifying your bank regarding this foreign transaction to make sure your credit card payment goes through.

Enjoy PAris!