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Trouble with SNCF Connect: it's not you, it's the app

The national news broadcast on France 2 had a segment last night on the bugs in the new app, making parts of it unreliable and unusable. The developers are working on it, a few bugs at a time. So, it's not you, it's their incompetence.

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1074 posts

Bets, I also saw that news report last night (I subscribe to TV5Monde in the US and they carry France 2 news) and I thought of all the people on this forum who have been complaining about the app.

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7335 posts

Thankfully, in my experience SNCF customer service is surpringly fast at answering letters sent by post to their customer service! Typically takes just a few days.
And even relatively minor complaints stand a good chance of them giving you a voucher in return.

But yes, the new app is quite bad - previous bookings and options just weren't migrated to it, which is mind-boggling!

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10778 posts

Despite the problems, I just found that our senior card numbers and info have transferred over. I also see that luggage delivery is being offered again though I didn't click through to see if it really is live or not.